Thursday, April 30, 2009

Princess Ellie cont. 2

More Princess Ellie

Princess Ellie cont.

Princess Ellie cont.

Princess Ellie

Presenting....... Princess Ellie!

Okay, so we had a photo shoot.
I know we got a little carried away, but Ellie was having a blast, and Ellie truly is the sweetest most beautiful girl. We are truly blessed to have her in our little family. Thanks to grandma we have a collection of princess dresses for her to play in. Thanks grandma.

Almost fits, maybe 1 more year.
(Below)Some material Jeana got Ellie to play with. She loves it!

New Arrivals

Okay, this week we have a few new arrivals at the Pate Place. No! Not the baby, that was last month. In order of importance...

#3 Yes! you're right it's a baby goose.(Psss.. I won't tell you thought it was a duck) Four baby geese have joined the Pate Farm, and yes that's my kitchen. The geese are for deweeding the orchard. Note: Geese are all dark meat Mmmmm.

#2 We have grass!! ..and weeds.... and grass!!! I'm am very excited about having a lawn. It's amazing the things you can take for granted, like sitting on your front lawn.

#1 And finally the best of all closet door handles. Oh, you think, what's the big deal? Take yours off and go without them for 6 months. I'd have to reach under the bottom of the door to open them and when your pregnant and your center of gravity is off this is quite amusing ..or something like that. Thanks Barry, it's better than flowers

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ellie and the Goats

Ellie and the Goats... It sounds like a nursery rhyme. This spring we were happy to have three brand new baby "girl"(lucky us, ...and lucky them) goats. Due to my previous whalish condition I did not venture out to see them, but Ellie and I were encouraged to pick names for them. We choose Cinnamon, and Sugar due to their brown and white coats, and Ugly Betty(pictured above) due to her apparent blatant ugliness. After a few weeks, I did venture out to meet the new kids, and I honestly was unable to tell the ugly one apart from the other two. Yet, (like life) once you're an Ugly Betty, and Ugly Betty you remain.
Ellie loves to feed and play with the goats She goes out in the pasture and they follow her everywhere. It's funny she carries around a stick when she does it.. ... so she looks like a little goat herder. The goats love to show off for us and display amazing feats of gymnastics in order to impress us. I see the goats' pasture as an over sized playpen. Thanks to the wonderful invention of electricity.. Ellie is not getting out on her own, and nothing gets in.
Barry is milking the two mother goats, and we are enjoying creamy fresh goat's milk every day.