Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mini Vacation #1

For our first mini vacation/adventure. We went to Balanced Rock, Balanced Rock State Park, Salmon River and Twin Falls Falls.

After Hiking up to the rock

Patiently waiting for Mother, who wanted to hike up a bit further.

Not so patiently waiting for Mother.

Ellie judging the distance to the top.

James in his dramatic ultimate mountain climber stance.

Lauren taking a break in the shade.

There was ONE who was victorious. Climbing up to the top was a bit precarious with cowboy books on.

These little goats gave it a nice try, but in the end had to be rescued by mother goat.

Hmmm what to do? What to do?

Barry bought a canoe as part of our spring break adventures. James has been super excited to try out the new "canoe boat" he calls it.

Ellie wanted to take Lauren and my picture.

Lauren eying the canoe and the river with suspicion.

Ellie got tired of waiting.... and decided to fall in the river. I convinced her it was funny, and to never do it again. EVER.

Ellie got tired of waiting.... so she went on a solo hike. Can you spot her?

For a late lunch we stopped at Five Guys Burgers in Twin, it was fantastic, imagine 100% real beef in a fast food burger. I will be visiting again.

For the last part of our adventure we went to Twin Falls Falls. It was beautiful, neither Barry or I had ever been there.
of course one of the falls is dammed up now, but it is still a sight to see.

The spectacular Twin Fall Falls.

I ran back to the car to get the camera, and as i was walking back, James walked up to me and asked
"Would you like to see my lizard?" I said "uh, sure yeah?!?" He then pointed this little guy out to me and told me that he named him Larry. Cute boy, cute lizard.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


What we have been UP to.

James and Ellie got kites from Grandma and Grandpa. On Friday, Barry came home early from work and helped them fly them.
They loved it!!!

For spring break we were planning on taking a trip to the Grand Canyon, but after careful consideration, we decided to change our plans.
We have decided to fill our week with mini vacations, adventures, and some hard work.(hopefully building a fence)

Saturday we went on the first of our mini vacation. We had so much fun!
I'll post the pictures tomorrow, and will keep them coming of our spring break adventures!!

P.S yes Grandpa we were carefully avoiding the power lines. ;)

James turns 3!

To the boy who I feel in love with the moment we met, and has had my heart ever since, I love you, Happy Birthday!!!!!!

James turned the big 3 this month.

A few things I love about James:

James has always been a loving boy, quick to give a hug or a kiss, or cuddle.
I love how he talks, what he says is so deliberate and sometimes very articulate, but he has a cute little lisp, and says all sorts of cute things like sores instead of yours. etc
I love how James runs, it gives me goosebumps. He runs so smooth and quiet. Like he could run for a 100 miles straight. He's my little Indian runner.
I love his expressive big brown eyes, with crazy long lashes.
I love that James doesn't give up, that he will try and try again until he succeeds at something.
of course there are a million more things, but those are a few......

Grandma and Grandpa Stuart and Amy and Mo came up for James' birthday party.
We had a great time.

a picture of the birthday boy on his birthday, just so you could see what a 3 year old looks like. Happy, very happy!

James's showing off his new dinosaur shirt.

Ellie reading to James the card she made him.

James very happy to receive "spicy juice" from Amy and Mo

James with some of his presents. He has enjoyed playing with them.

I made a chocolate cake, it was pretty good, minus the frosting i messed up on. We had chocolate ice cream in honor of James, a boy who loves chocolate ANYTHING.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


"A while back a farmer brought in an egg that had three yolks in it, it made the paper"

I would classify the brown egg as a large egg. The white one came from our chicken who usually lays regular sized eggs, but this time whoa did she lay a whopper. :)

*Bonus points if you can name the movie the quote is from.*

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sorry my pictures didn't work

I will keep working on it, in the mean time there is some really good information in this article, contained in this link below.

P.S. I just realized that in the "mean" time, refers to mean, as in the middle. Like mean, median and mode. Wow! I just get smarter every day!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Who do you look up too?

I want more than anything for my kids to be friends.

I would love for them to hang out together by choice.

I know this will be a challenge, but it's one of my life goals. Wish me luck.

P.S. Do you see a baby in that picture?? Me either. Hmmmm ;)

I DID IT, I did it!!!!

Hello there, remember me????

We'll I am back. I finally figured out how to upload pictures from my iPad to my blog.

You know what this means?? More posts, lots more posts.

Hey it's my journal after all.

