Sunday, August 12, 2012


if your dilly dilly garden, looks a dilly dilly way. then you'll answer YES!
                                                           Dilly Beans!! made two batches.

 1 weeks worth of zucchini, whoa ho ho. it's zucchini casserole, brownie, bread, cake time.

there is a cute video behind this picture, hopefully i can upload it.

Monday, August 6, 2012

More Summer.

 James and Lauren at swimming lessons. Lauren is giving James the evil eye, because she didn't get to participate this time. Ellie was in 5 weeks straight of swimming lessons and turned into a fish. James 4 weeks, and Natalie came and took 2 weeks with us. The kids had fun and Lauren is looking forward to her turn next year! Sorry no of the pictures turned out of the kids in the pool.
 My Lauren LaRue, I just love this picture for some reason.

 Some of us have struggled with hayfever this summer, luckily it didn't last long.

 I think Lauren has my eyes, she is my first kid that I've actually been able to see some resemblance to me.

 4th of July Parade, sitting in the sun.

I took the kids to the library and they wrapped their mommy up like a mummy. They thought it was pretty cool. James took the picture.

 And then summer was over and James started school....

Well, actually all the kids did. (Personally I'd watch out for the little girl in the front row she looks like TROUBLE.) Don't believe me? Click on the picture for a closer look.

 Lauren trying to sneak out to recess, like I said, "Trouble with a capital T". Look at all the other good children.

 Ellie making a presentation to the class. ...well most of the class.

 Recess at Fort Hall

 We found a merry-go-round in a tiny little park in the middle of no where. The kids had to play on it. Barry might have played on it too.