Monday, September 27, 2010

James and the dolls

James likes to play with Ellie's plasticy rubbery dolls. He is extremely frustrated by dressing them though, and unusually ends up biting them.

Can't blame him, dressing those silly dolls is tough.

I removed the biting picture, He was biting Snow Whites' head, it looked pretty gruesome.

James trying to get me to bite Snow White.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall is Here

We're excited for Halloween. What should we be? What are YOU going to be?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just Peachy

Sorry no new posts until I finish my canning. 49 bottles down, about 35 more to go.

It's a bad week for canning, Barry has night class and doesn't get home until about 9pm.

James was sick on monday, told a terrible tumble on tuesday,(scared us to death) Barry gave him a priesthood blessing, and Wednesday, today is YW's, but tomorrow, yes tomorrow, rain or shine, peaches done, ...........or waiting patiently packed in my fridge, I'm going here.

Please feel free to be jealous. I may not come back.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bad Words and Birthday Gifts.

Yesterday I did something I have never done before. I said the "F" word. I know, I know. I can hardly believe it either. ;)

Ellie was having "learning time" during James' nap, and I was giving her example of words that rhythm with luck,, muck, f..... oh dear. I felt my face turning bright red and I mumbled to Ellie, "oh no, not that one"

Ellie sensing my embarrassment, looks me in the eye and says "oh, yes mom, yes it does".

On another note:

Ellie had Grandma and Grandpa and her Aunt Amy come up for her birthday. She had a delightful time, even though she wasn't feeling very well. Ellie is very social and visits are very important to her. She received a plethora of presents, and spends most of her days playing with them. Presents of note: a microphone that plays a recorded pop-song. Ellie stands in front of the mirror holding that microphone and sings her little heart out in the most off-key tune you could ever imagine. She also received a real camera, which she loves. The day after she got it, she informed me that she had already taken 182 pictures, and we could put them all on my computer. ACK! I made her delete the 36 of her nostrils. I'll post pictures of her photo sessions soon, she wants her own blog, but we'll see.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Only Fair

Every year Barry takes Ellie to the county fair for her birthday, they see the animals, ride the rides, buy treats and eat greasy over-priced food. She loves it.
This year James and I were invited to come along. I don't due too well in the hot sun, the ground seems to want to swallow me up, but the day promised "fair" so we came along.

James and Ellie enjoyed watching the pigs. James even learned to say "pig" before he was done.

My children "ferociously" happy


James before he takes his first sip of soda pop.

James has all that was left of my "elephant ear" scone.

A kind man got out his alpaca, just so Ellie could pet it. They (the alpacas) were friendly and made the most soothing Mmmmm Mmmm sound. I want one to add to our animal collection.

On the Ferris Wheel

Waiting for Ellie

Ellie waiting for the rollercoaster to start.

Going down............

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ellie's Birthday Present

For Ellie's birthday present from Mom and Dad we put swings on the swingset Barry has been building her.

It was a perfect present for her. She doesn't have to pick it up, clean it up, or put it away (and neither do I)

...... she can just SWING to her hearts content.

And so can James for that matter. He loves it too.

More to come on Ellie's exciting other presents.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Today is my beautiful Ellie's birthday!!!!

She is 5-years old.

Barry told her he stayed home from work just for her. So we're going to go "do something fun." Updates on party and presents later.

Happy Birthday My Princesses, I Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Worm Update

Little Worm has a new home, it looks a little small, but he built and decorated it all himself.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ellie's Photoshoot with James

When I download my pictures from my camera onto my computer, I am often surprised by the amount of pictures that come up.
Ellie loves to take the camera and take pictures of random things. I had the camera high on the book shelf this time, but somehow, sometime, (probably when I was in the bath) Ellie had a little photo shoot with James

I am amazed by her ability to get James to stay where she wants him to, and he's obviously saying "cheese" in several of the pictures. She knows how to frame pictures and zoom in, now we just need to talk to her about lighting...... though I think the darkness add a dramatic flare don't you?

James is sick today with a high fever, he's so miserable, please take a moment and say a little prayer for him.