Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Munchkins

Weeee Welcome you to Munchkin Land Munchkin Land, to Munchkin Land

There was something mischievous going on here, I see it in their eyes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School

Monday was Ellie's first day of school EVER.
She loved it!

James has the beloved tractor, it will give him much comfort when Ellie is away.

Ellie outside her school. She was late on her first day, Ha haha. (Ask James about that, and how he managed to lose his flipflop somewhere between the car and the sidewalk.)

Ellie and her friend at lunch on the first day.
Her friend needed a ride home, so we brought her along for our celebration. James drank the fry sauce, Lauren got her first french fry and I contented myself with listening to 2 very silly excited girls tell me about their first day in kindergarten. We had a blast.

I will say, there were some that were just SHOCKED by the news that Ellie had gone to school.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Terms of Endearment

After a good morning of play, James snuggled down beside me for his afternoon nap.

With a tired sigh, he reached his hand up to stroke my face and whispered to me with love in those half-closed eyes

"You dirty rat Mom, You dirty rat..."

I felt very loved, but I think we could work on terms of endearment.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

okay I heard you

I'm so very sad about Ellie going to school, so I haven't felt much like blogging lately, but I have a few posts lined check back later


Bonus Points to anyone who can identify what tree this leaf comes from.
It is one of my personal favorites.