Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lego Monsters

I give the kids Building Challenges in School. So far, they've all been out of Legos. The kid's amaze me with their creativity. 
Today's challenge was:
Build me a monster
It need to be able to eat things
It needs to have a tail.
Go! You have 20 minutes!
Removable Teeth, so it doesn't look so scary.

Just wanted a last picture of his beautiful dark hair, before it all falls out. :( His face says it all.

I must say, Ellie's way my favorite. So awesome! James even requested she build him one. :)

School 2016

Back to School!

Eleanor 5th Grade
James 2nd Grade
Lauren Morning Kindergarten :)

Thursday we had our Back to School Night. Barry got a chance to met the student's teacher, see their classroom and have some fun. I think he was rather impressed ....especially with the teacher. ;)

The kid's show Barry some of their school books and some of the work that they've been doing these past two weeks.

Each Student got to make an apple for their teacher! (heh hehe)

Then we baked them, Baked Apples are the best! 

While they were baking we played Scrabble ....because that's a rather schoolish thing to do.
Owen didn't really play, he just burped.

The teacher made the students a superb Apple pie, with apples grown right on the school grounds. Sooo yummy!

Emma wasn't feeling well and fell asleep in the afternoon, she missed everything. We made her an apple cookie and she was pleased as punch to eat it for breakfast the next morning.

Discussing Back to School Night with Daddy

These next pictures are from the First Day of School. They are from my phone and are not the best.

James made us breakfast. A Cinnamon Apple Crown.  (German Pancake)
The students went through their binders from last year and got to pick out a "few" things to keep. Lauren tried to be sneaky and keep everything.

Doesn't her hair look nice that way? She's started refusing to let me fix her hair much. It's rather a battle. 

Dang! How many 2 year old's do you know that can do THAT!  Love my smarty pants!

We finished up all our Applesauce! Everyone help ....well except for Owen. He helped me, get out of helping, I guess . ;)
"I found a number 5 in my trechsure chest Mom!"
Emma is in LOVE with the purple treasure chest. It goes everywhere with her, and Ellie has been pretty nice about it. :D

Daddy covering Em's legs so she wouldn't get burned by splashing Apple Sauce. Ouch!
Sorry these were too cute not to share. Emma insists on wearing her Lady bug pants with everything these days. Some days they match better than others. I went to the store and bought her some plain purple pants. She has decided she loves those too. Phew! 

Love my Family, I am so blessed!
TriDaily blowouts! Good thing we love him!
ALL the hair on the top of his head is falling out. He looks like a little old man ...with acne. 
I saw Emma pick up my phone, select the camera, and hold it up to Owen, she took a few seconds to frame the shot, then she took his picture(this one). It was very cute! She loves her little brother and can't get over how cute he is.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sleeping System

 Nightly snuggles

A couple weeks ago at work, Barry was in a meeting and someone mentioned that his(Barry's) wife had just had a baby. He said several people were very suprised and one lady remarked that he didn't look tired at all. He told them that's because we(meaning him and me) have a "system". He chuckled when he told me about it and said, "I didn't tell them what the "system" was."

He sleeps in the other room and doesn't bother us.

It's just me and Owen Bear for the next few months.

If Barry happens to come in the room at night to check on us. Owen be like "Who Dat?" 

 Keeping up my energy with my daily supply of vegetables.
 First time I was able to catch a smile on camera. I was tickling him. :D
Don't worry, he doesn't really look that old yet. The next picture was 10 seconds later.
                          I know. Phew! :)

Opt! Owen just fell asleep on me.
