Sunday, July 4, 2021

June Adventure's!

Owen's ar

I love this little peaceful little girl. Her favorite toy is a book by far.. just like her Momma. :D

ADVENTURE  to Jarbidge

New Stroller!

Owen learning to make his bed himself. 
Beautiful Ellie

yW's project

Sprucing up by the road. 

James and Shadow

Ellie and James did the ropes course at CSI. They both impressed me with their courage and stick to it tiveness. 

When we were poor... These outfits were all little Ellie had to wear,.it was kindof fun to put them on Anna. Brought back a lot of memories. 

Darn Cat's favorite place to sit. 

Sage Brush Days 2021
The big race. Barry decided to run this with James. James hasn't been running much, so it was a hard 3 miles but he did it! 

It was supposed to be a scorcher of a day, so we skipped the parade for Costco a rotisserie chicken, a big salad a pack of cookies a 5 lb bag of candy and some nice shade on our land. 
Waiting for the parade to start! 
Dancing for their candy, which I flung at them liberally. Most fun I've had all month! 😄
For our weekend adventure we decided to drive to our old stomping grounds to see where there are going to put the Burley Idaho Temple. My phone died before I got a picture of the kids there. But we went to my favorite tree park by the river in Heyburn. I love to look at all the different kinds of trees. One of my favorite trees was the Tulip Tree .... But sadly it was cut down, the kids took it's spot for me. I loved the Kentucky coffee tree, the golden rain tree and the bald cypress tree. 

The wildflowers were beautiful!
Happy 4th of July. We plan to drive by and see the fireworks on Sunday. I doubt I will get any pictures though.