Wednesday, August 24, 2016

He's HERE!!!!


Owen Russell Pate

Born August 18, 2016 @ 2:25pm

7.2 ounces. 20.5 inches long.

Yep, not a wink of sleep the night before.

......In the middle of the night selfie

We are soo happy to have him here. I went into labor twice in the two weeks before, but by sheer will, and prayer we were able to delay his coming a bit.
I was happy to go into the hospital as planned on the morning of the 18th to have my labor induced and to get my much desired epidural. 
I was also very nervous. After about two hours of answering questions and getting hooked up to machines, I got my epidural. The anesthesiologist talked faster and shared more about himself in the hour (the epidural took about 15 mins) that he was in the room, that I have ever known a person too. Quite, the odd duck.
About an hour later, the doctor came in and broke my water. Nothing really happen for another hour and a half. I had contractions, but they were all over the place and not consistent. I could feel them, but the pain was definitely under control. The anesthesiologist said that an optimum epidural takes away about 70% of the pain. I didn't know that. I could feel a very sharp pain under my rip cage with every contraction.
After that first hour, the nurse came in, checked me and said I was at a 5. Sad progress for 1.5 hours. She thought it was good though. She suggested that gravity sometimes helps things get going. I sat up all the way, and within minutes I started have big contractions and pressure. The nurse checked me and said I was at a 9.5, almost immediately baby dropped, and his heart beat went offline. The nurse was very careful not to show any panic, but I could tell she was very concerned. She hit the "Help" button and a half a dozen people came running into the room, including my doctor who was assisting in 9 other labors that day.(Ack!)
 The nurse asked me to roll over and get up on my hands and knees. If you've ever had an epidural, you can probably attest, that, that is a very hard things to do. Yet, somehow I managed, and babies heart beat immediately picked back up again. Strangely, I wasn't worried, not even for a moment. Barry had given me a blessing earlier, that baby would be born healthy and strong. I never doubted it. The nurse, then told the doctor, who was conveniently in the room now, that she thought I was ready to deliver. I could feel intense pressure by that point, but it was totally manageable. Such a strange feeling. Instead of writhing around screaming at people that baby was coming, I just peered at them from my oxygen mask, and gave a little laugh. Barry, the doctor, and the nurse were just standing there looking at me, all ready for baby's arrival into the world. It was such a surreal feeling, to feel in control of the situation. I remarked to Barry that I would like to have 10 more kids, if I could have them all this way. The doctor asked me if I felt like I could push. The other 5 people that came into the room had gotten everything ready for baby to come. I said, "Sure". I really had no idea how much pressure I was supposed to be feeling at the pushing point, but I felt it was pretty intense for being only 30% of what I could be feeling so I was willing to give it a try :)
I pushed through two and half contraction and sweet Owen was born.
The doctor tried to put him up on my chest, but his cord was soo short, he didn't even come close. They asked Barry to cut the cord, but as per tradition, he was as white as a sheet and had to go sit down. ;) Don't worry, he didn't want to anyway. ;D
The doctor cut the cord and I finally got to hold my new little one. He was super cheesy. I think that's why his skin is soo very soft now. I held him for quite a while before they took him away to measure and weigh him.

I was very very happy to be able to hold him, definitely a tender mercy, and totally worth an extra 1000$ for an epidural. I haven't been able to hold my other babies immediately after they were born, because of the extreme pain that I was in. He was crying when he was born, but as soon as they placed him on my chest and I held him, he stopped and just snuggled into me. Those first moments with my new little one were truly priceless, and I will treasure them forever.
In the end, I am very grateful to have found a doctor who was willing to listen to me and believe me, and who was ready to work with me so that I could have a better delivery this time.  I am also very grateful for a very competent Labor and Delivery nurse, she was amazing. Barry and I were both super impressed.

(Pictures not in order and taken with my phone)

 First Doctor's appt. He passed!
 Frog legs. I am still amazed at how LONG his legs are.

This is the outfit James came home from the hospital in, it was huge on him. Today is the first and last day Owen will be able to wear it.

We couldn't love him more!
So glad he's here. :D

He's HERE!!!!


Owen Russell Pate

Born August 18, 2016 @ 2:25pm

7.2 ounces. 20.5 inches long.

Yep, not a wink of sleep the night before.

......In the middle of the night selfie

We are soo happy to have him here. I went into labor twice in the two weeks before, but by sheer will, and prayer we were able to delay his coming a bit.
I was happy to go into the hospital as planned on the morning of the 18th to have my labor induced and to get my much desired epidural. 
I was also very nervous. After about two hours of answering questions and getting hooked up to machines, I got my epidural. The anesthesiologist talked faster and shared more about himself in the hour (the epidural took about 15 mins) that he was in the room, that I have ever known a person too. Quite, the odd duck.
About an hour later, the doctor came in and broke my water. Nothing really happen for another hour and a half. I had contractions, but they were all over the place and not consistent. I could feel them, but the pain was definitely under control. The anesthesiologist said that an optimum epidural takes away about 70% of the pain. I didn't know that. I could feel a very sharp pain under my rip cage with every contraction.
After that first hour, the nurse came in, checked me and said I was at a 5. Sad progress for 1.5 hours. She thought it was good though. She suggested that gravity sometimes helps things get going. I sat up all the way, and within minutes I started have big contractions and pressure. The nurse checked me and said I was at a 9.5, almost immediately baby dropped, and his heart beat went offline. The nurse was very careful not to show any panic, but I could tell she was very concerned. She hit the "Help" button and a half a dozen people came running into the room, including my doctor who was assisting in 9 other labors that day.(Ack!)
 The nurse asked me to roll over and get up on my hands and knees. If you've ever had an epidural, you can probably attest, that, that is a very hard things to do. Yet, somehow I managed, and babies heart beat immediately picked back up again. Strangely, I wasn't worried, not even for a moment. Barry had given me a blessing earlier, that baby would be born healthy and strong. I never doubted it. The nurse, then told the doctor, who was conveniently in the room now, that she thought I was ready to deliver. I could feel intense pressure by that point, but it was totally manageable. Such a strange feeling. Instead of writhing around screaming at people that baby was coming, I just peered at them from my oxygen mask, and gave a little laugh. Barry, the doctor, and the nurse were just standing there looking at me, all ready for baby's arrival into the world. It was such a surreal feeling, to feel in control of the situation. I remarked to Barry that I would like to have 10 more kids, if I could have them all this way. The doctor asked me if I felt like I could push. The other 5 people that came into the room had gotten everything ready for baby to come. I said, "Sure". I really had no idea how much pressure I was supposed to be feeling at the pushing point, but I felt it was pretty intense for being only 30% of what I could be feeling so I was willing to give it a try :)
I pushed through two and half contraction and sweet Owen was born.
The doctor tried to put him up on my chest, but his cord was soo short, he didn't even come close. They asked Barry to cut the cord, but as per tradition, he was as white as a sheet and had to go sit down. ;) Don't worry, he didn't want to anyway. ;D
The doctor cut the cord and I finally got to hold my new little one. He was super cheesy. I think that's why his skin is soo very soft now. I held him for quite a while before they took him away to measure and weigh him.

I was very very happy to be able to hold him, definitely a tender mercy, and totally worth an extra 1000$ for an epidural. I haven't been able to hold my other babies immediately after they were born, because of the extreme pain that I was in. He was crying when he was born, but as soon as they placed him on my chest and I held him, he stopped and just snuggled into me. Those first moments with my new little one were truly priceless, and I will treasure them forever.
In the end, I am very grateful to have found a doctor who was willing to listen to me and believe me, and who was ready to work with me so that I could have a better delivery this time.  I am also very grateful for a very competent Labor and Delivery nurse, she was amazing. Barry and I were both super impressed.

(Pictures not in order and taken with my phone)

 First Doctor's appt. He passed!
 Frog legs. I am still amazed at how LONG his legs are.

This is the outfit James came home from the hospital in, it was huge on him. Today is the first and last day Owen will be able to wear it.

We couldn't love him more!
So glad he's here. :D

Friday, August 5, 2016


 Barry went to Pittsburgh, Mom and Amy came up to visit. Barry happily came home early, and he and I got to go on a rare little date ....sans makeup. Oh well, he's stuck with me. 
Uh, yeah, in the middle of sunday school, Barry surprised me and snapped this picture of us. I kept it, because James makes that exact same face when he's up to mischief.  It makes me smile ....and my chubby face. ;)


My name is Eleanor, and I love to climb rocks!

 I have been having lots of contractions and feeling icky, so when I woke up feeling okay today, we decided to take advantage of the day and go climbing! :D (well, some of us)

" I'd rather be fishing, but I'll come along"

WE found a challenging rock to climb. I didn't want Barry to try and free-climb it, so he hiked around back and hooked up the rope.

 Waiting for Dad to get back...... Can you spot my apple juice bottle in the picture. Gotta have my juice. ;)

 IT was a beautiful morning, and NOT too hot. A requirement for super pregnant women.

 Emma requested these pictures.

 Rope ready!

 Almost made it to the top. She got a little scared and tired and came back down, but did a super job for her first time on a big rock.

 That was far enough for James. He admitted to being super scared.

 "I thought it was my turn next" :(

 Lauren basically just wanted to swing on the rope and pose for pictures. She was pretty funny.

 Lauren found some treasures. She found this button thing and brought it home. Barry made it into a ring for her as a surprise.
 Trying again to get to the top. She made it! I guess her goal in getting to the top was that she could hike down. That wasn't an option, so she was pretty bummed about having to repel(scary) back down.

James trying again. He got a little farther.

When did my baby get soo big?!? I love Emma so much. She is my sweetest child and loves her Mommy.  I am very grateful for the last few months we have gotten to spend together. We've both been limited in our activities because of our size and she's been my little companion and friend throughout. I really couldn't love her more.
 knuckle dimples. :D

 The kids have been improving leaps and bounds in swimming this year. James was doing handstands in the pool last night! At the beginning of the season he wouldn't even get his face wet. Ellie has pretty much turned into a fish, and Lauren is getting more comfortable in the water everyday. 
 Ever want to see something crazy.. ask James to scamper around the room for you. He is crazy FAST! 
(I didn't ask him to this time, I think he thought he was faster than my camera ...almost James, almost.)