Sunday, March 31, 2013

James turns 4

Born three weeks early at 6 pounds 2 ounces on a Sunday evening in March, I looked into this sweet little baby's eyes and he stole my heart. He's had it ever since!

I love way too many things about James, it's hard to know where to start

I love his dark chocolate eyes, and crazy long eyelashes.

I love that he is sooo very very loving. He's always giving me kisses and snuggles, and wants to be near me, hold my hand. 

He makes me love being a mom

 James is ALL boy, I love that about him.

James is very creative, he's always making houses for bug, building fishing poles, making cars out of legos, planning adventures for us to go on.

I love how cleaver James is. He will lean in close to me and say. "I will give you a kiss mom if you give me an ice cream cone" then before I can react or saw yes or no, he'll give me a quick kiss on the cheek, and then smile real big.

He always wants to make a deal, a plan, or for me to PROMISE him something. He always is the one to come up with what I promise to do for him.

I love that James will always tell me how he feels. "Mom! I feel so angry inside right now." or "Mom, I am so sad today."

James is stubborn as can be, and can throw a fit like no other, but the next moment he will be giving me hugs and be all sweetness again.

He is quick to forgive.

James tells me he loves me a 100 times a day. James tells me he loves me when we ride in the car. Often, in the middle of the night he will sneak into my room and climb into my bed and wrap his little arms around me, and whisper, "I love you." He tells me he loves me when we're sitting at the table in the middle of dinner, he will whisper he loves me when we're having family prayer. Right after I spank him, he will climb up on my lap and tell me he loves me. When I'm wiping his stinky bum, he will tell me he loves me. One time, I will never forget, he was so very sick, and puking like crazy in the bathtub, he lifted up his head between pukes and told me how much he loves me.  I know this little boy was sent to me for a reason. I never knew I was capable of so much love for a person, but he has certainly taught me a lot about love in his short four years, I could not do without him.

Love you my Buddy, more than words!

 cap gun from Dad. He loves it.

Grandma and Grandpa Stuart came to celebrate with us.
                                       and gave him lots of legos. The whole family is loving them.
Binoculars from Mom

Pizza and Spicy juice were served. James' favorite.

 He was very specific on the cupcakes. Green cupcakes with green and pink frosting. I tried.

check out those eye lashes