Tuesday, December 29, 2009


James got up there all by himself and was pretty proud of himself, he kept laughing, he stood up through the back, climbed through, turned around and stood up. He's really taken to crawling in tight spaces. He loves going under Ellie's bed. He'll just be playing in Ellie's room and then you'll look over and see the last half of him as he disappears under the bed. He doesn't care a bit that it's dark as dark. Occasionally, I'll lift up the covers to check on him, to see if he's scared or something, he just smiles at me through the dim light I let in. He likes to explore, he slithers over and scratches the walls, feels the bed springs, plays with the dust bunnies. When we went over to the Pates for Christmas, James crawled behind the lamp table and crawled in the tiny section between the wall and the couch. You could hear him laughing with glee as he crawled along and popped out the other side. I was afraid he'd get stuck or try and retreat, and then we'd have to move the couch and the end tables, but he didn't, and as soon as he came out, he turned around and went back around for more. To me this is a very strange phenomenon, It being very difficult for me to even stick my head under the bed or pull the covers up on my chest because I immediately feel so claustrophobic.

Natalie is here. She's cut her hair and looks so grown up. She's a big help with Ellie and James. Barry pulled Ellie and Natalie in a sled with the 4-wheelers all across Grandpas fields. Unfortunately they ran out of gas when they were quite far away, Fortunately they had Barry little brother there who was willing to walk all the way back and get some. Unfortunately he didn't remember there was a reserve tank on the wheeler until he was already home. So he got to walk all the way back and tell them.

Yes, I know, James smeared his breakfast on my shoulder and Ellie has powdered sugar on her shirt from the yummy scones Barry made us for breakfast. Santa came late this year, but Ellie was still very excited. This is our first family picture in two years I think.

A while back I went to the eye doctor, who was quite proud of his knowledge and expertise, he spent about 1 1/2 sharing his knowledge with me and examining my eyes, when he was all done he asked me if I had any questions. I merely just looked down and said
"yeah, what color are my eyes."
(doctor) "?!? hum na ah, we'll uh"

He didn't have a clue, not a clue.

I just laughed at him. It rather took the wind out of his sails though.

IN his defense though, What color are my eyes?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Don't ya just wanna go pick him up?

Ahhh my pretty boy...

Hugs resembling wrestling moves.

Ellie loves to feed James rice crispies.

After hearing not a few horror stories about Best Buy and their computer department. I was quite hesitant to turn my computer over to them for repair, but as the date of end-of-warranty got closer and closer, and the sound of my computer fan sounded more and more like a blender, blending up the insides of my computer into tiny bits ....I decided to take the risk.
The Geek Squad guy did not increase my confidence when I asked him if he wanted the power cord as well. He said "Naaaa, we don't need it, besides if you keep it, it's less stuff for us to lose." Ack!

Fortunately, after 3 weeks the computer is home safe and sound, plus they sent us home with a new power cord. Well okay, it's not really a new one, but's it's longer and nicer, and someone else's, ...since I didn't even give them one.
We'll take it back in Jan, next time we go into town. Hey.... Maybe I can trade it in for something nicer.

Had a good last 1/2 of my birthday. I won't talk about the first half, ugh! We made the most delicious homemade pizza I have ever had. Tried a new recipe with basil in the crust. It had ham and green peppers and fresh mushrooms on it, plus some Precious(that's the brand) mozzarella cheese, that very good and stringy when it was melted. Barry made me an apple pie that was most delicious, and best of all I got my piano tuned and repaired for my birthday present. Thank you everyone!

James has two teeth now, and he can hold on to and walk behind Ellie's little push car.

Barry is home for the next 3 wks, and we are very excited for Natalie to come for Christmas. Unfortunately we're all sick, but we all want to get better by Christmas so please pray for us. We need it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When I see the back of my james sitting on the floor like this, something just tugs at my heart, and I know that there is nothing precious or more dear.

James and Ellie got new Sunday Duds. Yes, I know James is spitting in the one, but really it was better than the alternatives.

I thought I would record this moment for posterity, it is a rare moment indeed when James and Ellie both have a nap. ...okay it's nonexistent. she's really just watching a movie. But hey, I can pretend right?

Yep, got my hair cut. Hasn't been short for awhile. I took James with me and I felt like I was sitting by a time bomb. He was very good considering we were there a very long time. I warned the lady that my hair is hard to cut well. She rather scoffed at me, and said "she never gives a bad haircut", an hour later I think she was starting to believe me, another half-an-hour and I think she was going crazy, but luckily I had chosen a perfectionist and she wasn't quiting until all the hairs were in line. She seems rather frazzled when she was done, but hey she may have won a client for life. I paid her double and left with a smile.
P.S. When Ellie saw my haircut she had a conniption fit and started bawling and yelling at me that I wasn't beautiful anymore and my hair was ugly. When we got home she walked up to me shaking her head and looking at my hair and said "You should've taken me with you."

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I know, I know, I'm still here. I haven't sent the computer in yet, but I will soon.

I just wanted to write a little something for any of you who ran into me yesterday and thought I was in a really bad mood. We'll what I have to say about that is, HA! you thought yesterday was bad you should see me today!!!! Come on over, I'll say something nasty to you. I want to offend people, I want to argue, I want to fight and yell. I want to shoot the stupid dogs that come in my yard and get into my garbage cans and spread garbage across our field. I want to track the mail women down and give her a simple and specific explanation on how to do her job properly, like deliver the mail!!! (every non Sunday/Holiday) is that so hard? Really? I want to make cookies loaded with chocolate chips, but I can't because it's a week day, and I promised myself only on the weekends .... and that makes me more angry. I want a bat and I want to smash things with it, like the kid who used to live next door who filled our entire three acres with broken bottles and glass. I want to look in the mirror and not see a tired, worn-out, dowdy looking woman with a large mole on her nose, a terrible haircut and ugly shoes. I want to drop things from the top of the stairs and watch them fall. I want to not be sick anymore, and I want to go to the gym and work out alone and listen to angry music on my headphones.

........okay, so these I want, I'll tell you what I don't want .. I DO NOT, and I repeat I DO NOT WANT to take care of this stinking pile of laundry. I see it there, and it's like it's mocking me, "Na na na na naaa na, you'll NEVER get me done." I am so sick of Laundry, why won't it just go away? Hmmm.........Maybe I'LL just go away, someplace warm where the darn wind isn't blowing and where the sun is shining.

What provoked all this you might ask? .... It's rather simple, the Weather. Yes it's SAD

Now for all of you who said Barry, ....you need to give him more credit, yesterday was his day off and made us the most delicious pancakes for breakfast, he cleared off the porch, (Something I've wanted him to do for ages), a very big job. He built a leanto for all the junk, and put It in it. Got our truck cleared out and running and the tire pumped up. Cleared out the trailer, and went and got us a Billy goat, built the bunny a stand for it's new cage, did some laundry, put dinner in the oven, hung up my picture frame, and watched the kids while I was at Mutual. So thanks Barry. Sorry I was so awful, .....we'll I will be sorry as soon as I'm over this rotten mood.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


As soon as I get done backing up the hard drive, we're going offline for 3 weeks or so while I sent my laptop off to the world of computer repair. So during this rare time if you need something, call me. IF you don't have my number, then I guess it can wait a few weeks. ;)

-signing off


(James was there too overseeing everything. )

This year we went to a fabulous Halloween party (which we shall lobby to be a yearly tradition) hosted by my brother and sister-in-law(who was sadly sick, so didn't make an appearance). The decorations were awesome, best I've every seen.(sorry didn't get more pics) We had soup and homemade bread and rolls. Yum! There was lasagna and cheese ball, sherbet drink, and these yummy chocolate pretzel things that you definitely shouldn't eat more than four of in one sitting. ;(
My two nephews looked so cute dressed at Mario and Luigi, and since Ellie wanted to be a princess she was Princess Peach. My Mom dressed up as Toadstool, my Dad was a mad scientist, and my sister was a shadow. My older brother was a convincing Frankenstein's monster, and my sister-in-law was a scary dead person.

The next day Ellie went trunk-or-treating with her other cousins. I'm afraid she left them all in the dust, but it was her first time and she was really enjoying herself.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Night....

Last night I came home from YW's to a DARK house, and THIS waiting for me.......

Are there words????

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shhhh... I have a secret desire.

I want to go treat-or-treating.

I really, really want to go.

I don't really want to dress up, but I want to feel the excitement.

The anticipation, the pure merriment.

With shivers down my spine, I want to wander the cold, dark, scary streets with my brothers and sister.

I want the energy to walk for blocks and blocks, and not be tired.

I want to be invited in to friends houses to warm my frozen toes and cheeks, and for hot cider, warm doughnuts, or maybe my favorite a gooey Carmel apple.

I want to run down the side walks, up the driveways, and yell "trick-or-treat." I want to be surprised when my primary teacher answers a strange door, or my dentist, or the girl the sometimes babysits us.

I want to fill my pillowcase up with all the brightly colored candies so to my little arms, it feels heavy, and I have to sling it over my shoulder.

and when I get home to my brightly lit kitchen I want to dump my bag of well-earned treasures all over the big kitchen table and inspect each gem, piece by piece.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Comments and Ugly Blog

So about a week or two ago I checked my blog dashboard and it suddenly popped up with about 30 old comments for me to verify and publish on my blog. (So AP that's where all the comments were, lost in cyberspace.) So feel free to comment, I think it's working now, and I really am going to make my blog prettier and change the music as soon as I get a chance.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October and Dinner with a Princess

When Ellie came and sat down for dinner Monday night. I just had to take a picture. She had put on one of her favorite dresses, a pink feathery scarf, purple wings, and a homemade crown from primary. Nothing was really out of the ordinary, but as I sat watching her, I thought, these are the moments I want to remember. (Sorry I wasn't able to get a good picture someone was distracting me)

James thought I was taking a picture of him and he was really hamming it up from across the room.

We finally had a couple of warm days, so we were able to get fluffy out and play with him. We didn't dare let him wander far, but he sure is cute.

I love this pic. Barry is such a good father. He always has time for his Eleanor, he was carving upon request.

These are our Jack-o-Lanterns for this year. Our Neighbors kindly donated a couple of pumpkins from their patch, and Barry stewed one for us, and toasted the seeds. Which I might add gave us all belly aches for days. (JSYK: Okay, so I'm pretty white, but I'm not actually iridescent. That's the reflection off the house.)
BEEP ............

BEEEP ........BEEEEEEEEP ...BEEP ....BEEP...................







What's that you say? You think spots are "in", you want them too.

Okay, here's what you do, come and see us.

....Oh it's piggy flu you want. Well you can get a vaccine for that too.

Or you could just try this....


This is what I wake up to every morning. Literally I know, horror! I let him sleep in our bed, but the truth is, I love it, and in the morning when he crawls up on my chest to wake me and grabs my nose or ear or eyes (whatever strikes his fancy), I love him even more, for from the moment he wakes up, he has a smile to share with me that melts my heart and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending me this angel.

Do you get star scones for breakfast??? I do! It's because I'm loved.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pizza, Pie, and the Sun in Our Eyes.

My Sweetheart, always has as smile for me.

LOVE my Ellie, couldn't do without her.

I just love these!
I know Carli they're yours, but I love them. They make me smile.

This Pizza needed mushrooms badly. We officially named Friday night, Pizza night!!! I don't count on us getting sick of it too soon, because I never make it the same way twice. ;)

Barry made us a beautiful and delicious apple pie Sunday morning. I just had to take a picture of it because i knew it wouldn't last. Yum!

Barry had Monday off work so we drove up to a nearby lake in the Mountains. It was beautiful, and it was nice to get away for awhile. We got Burgers and fries for lunch, and finished off the apple pie for dessert. Kudos to anyone who can name the Lake. You can see it in the background if you look close.

Monday, October 5, 2009


My parents and my sister came up to visit this weekend. My food didn't turn out as well as I would like, but oh well next time. We sure enjoy having company. Here are some highlights Whom will he choose? I admit he choose Grandma, but I think it was her big smile.

sorry can't get my videos to post. Maybe later.........
okay it's later... and I still can't get them to post. What's the secret? Charity? Tamara? Anybody?? They say they are uploading, and then they just upload FOREVER.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Recently I read a story of a dad coming home from work to find a veritable disaster. Outside doors were left open, kids were still in their pajamas, and the dog was nowhere to be found. Toothpaste was on the walls of the bathrooms, toilets were not flushed, and miles of toilet paper were unrolled on the floor. The fridge door was open, and cartoons blared through the house, though no one was watching. The sink and counters were piled high with dishes; berry stains from breakfast were still on the counter. The dad rushed into every bedroom, where none of the beds were made, trying to find his wife and thinking somethings terrible must have happen. He finally found her in their bedroom, reading a book. With disbelief he exclaimed, "What in the world happened?" She looked up calmly and with a smile said, "Everyday when you get home from work you ask what on earth I do all day, so today I didn't do it!" -A Mother's Book of Secrets by Linda Eyre and Shawni Eyre Pothier

Mother's do hundreds of little things each day unnoticed, it's most often the things we don't do that get noticed. This often makes motherhood a challenge.

This is actually a paragraph taken from one of my new favorite books, (thanks Erin) it's excellent and I would recommend it to any mother with small children, or plans for them.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

TO: Jacob

Jacob Snakeup,
if you ever read my blog, you would see, that I'm coming to your party, he he he

(How's that for an R.S.V.P?)

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Rainbow Day

So I've been frustrated because my house isn't as clean as I'd like it to be, I never get all the things done on my list, and I don't play with my kids enough. Yet, I started today with a full list of things to do. But James developed a fever sometime in the night, and Ellie started breakfast with up-chucking all over the bathroom. Taking into account the extra care it would take to care of sick kids, I cut my list in half, and certainly not fairly, I picked all the easy things. I still made my bread, and some homemade chicken noodle soup to go along with it. I got my chicken divided up and frozen, made an apple pie, gathered the laundry, took out the trash, straighten the upstairs and did the dishes. More importantly I found time to play with Ellie(who had made a quick recovery) for hours, we played dishes and she spent much of the time babbling on her pretend phone about being allergic to chores, and other equally hilarious things. I also let James(who also made a quick recovery) crawl all around the house. He loved exploring the different rooms, I'd watch him pick out interesting objects(the lamp, the bookcase, the little piece of blue lint on the carpet, Ellie's toy, whatever, and then beeline for them. I observed today He can sit up from a laying down position and he can push himself up on the side of his crib, or a stair. It amazing the things he can do today that he couldn't do two days ago. Children grow so fast, I'm glad I took the time today to play, we had a wonderful day and I think I'll cut that list in half more often.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Arrivals

Okay, we've had a lot of new arrivals we'd like to welcome to the our Farm.

First, and and in my view most important. A piano!!!! Yeah! My very own piano. Sorry, you can see it very well, Ellie was making very strange faces in all the other takes.

The geese, okay so they're not new, but last time you saw them they were babies, and now they are so big, besides they wouldn't move so I could take a pictures of the real new arrivals the.....

Sheep. Yep Sheep! Because no small farm is complete without Navajo Churro Sheep. 2 Female and 1 Male, who still remain nameless, but I'm thinking Curly for the ram.

Ellie and Barry planted Giant Sunflowers this year. They have some recipes for flavoring the seeds, we'll let you know how it turns out.

Ellie has a new pony. Cricket is his name. He's quite friendly, and even let me ride him, he also has a special talents ....see below...

Cricket loves to pull a cart. He's getting a nicer cart, it's just not here yet, for now this one works, and Ellie loves it. They ride around and around the yard. This picture is from out from front window. (Sorry the pictures aren't too good this time, I was having trouble getting any good ones)

and last but not least. Fluffy. Fluffy is adorable. He really is, and rather sweet, and friendly I've quite taken to him, he's cage is currently right outside my kitchen door, so it's easy access to give him veggie scraps.