Monday, July 29, 2013

The Famous Salamanders

                                                 Meet the famous salamanders....named

After removing all of our stuff from our rental in Rupert, the kids took a popscicle break.
sorry! Just wanted to include these. My biscuits finally were big, these were the smallest ones. I have such trouble making biscuits.



 Lauren wasn't so sure she liked them, she would chuck them if you put one in her hand. :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I have neglected to say anything about this...because it makes me want to cry.

We have sold our house.

All lot of blood, sweet and tears have gone into building and making our home a HOME.

We will miss it dearly.

WHY are we moving?

I know, I know. We love where we live, but HATE that it is soo far from Barry work, and the time has come that our house is too small, and gas is getting soo expensive we needed to make an important decision.
We lose 2+ hours everyday with Barry that he spends driving to work everyday. That time could be ours.

and THAT is the biggest reason. TIME.

I will miss our efficient concrete walls, our flat lightly textured smooth walls, our large bedrooms. My big kitchen.. Oh :( and my clawfoot bathtub. Our crazy huge yard that we've worked so hard on to tame. YES, there are many many things we will miss, but they are only THINGS. (I keep telling myself this) My kids need a father who is there, more than things, and we will make a start a new life for ourselves somewhere else.

We will greatly miss our ward, we live in the best ward EVER! I have never known kinder people.
I hope our friends won't desert us and will still come visit, though we'll be an hour or so away.

Catch up

WE found out we are having another GIRL around Thanksgiving time!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so we will resume our Vacation pictures later. I need to do a little catch up!

We moved out of our house in Rupert.

We spent three weeks in a rental house in Rupert. It was pretty miserable, to live out of boxes and pack stuff up twice. Ugh!

We moved to Filer.

Here are a few things we have done this summer so far............

 The coolest balloon horse EVER!
 T-Ball!! Both Ellie and James played. They both had fun.

 Walking to the library from our rental. The kids always went a little crazy.

Last Day at our Rupert House.

Up at Bennet Springs

 On top the world ....atop MT. Harrison.

The kids going fishing..........................

 Barry caught up the cutest horned lizard. We loved him for many days, but finally set him free because he got too skinny.
 Barry caught three salamanders for the kids. They had a blast playing with them until we let them go.
 My puppy
 Ellie's first cavity. Before going in.
 After. A little crooked smile. She also got her molars sealed, so hopefully no more! :)
 My brave little munchie
 ALL the kids took swimming lessons this year. They had so much fun! James and Lauren were in the same class.
 James doing "shark kicks!"