Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thanksgiving Adventure.

 these are my chins...

 Lost Boy, Lost boy!
 MY friend Sheena gave me this outfit for Owen, but he is a bit too big for it. Super cute though.
 Grandma and Grandpa Pate came for Thanksgiving this year. Grandma brought games and entertained the kids all morning.

 Ack! I know a pan on the table. But hey, those mashed potatoes were warm!

 Emma fell asleep after stuffing her face with rolls but before dinner was ready per tradition.

 MY kids are growing up too fast!

Owen loves Ellie second to Mom. She takes such good care of him. A natural mother.
 Our Weekend Adventure. We put up the Christmas tree and went on a drive.....
To the Hagerman Wildlife Management Area. It was closed to motorized vehicles, and way too cold to walk. So we didn't stay long.

Emmaline Rose turns 3!!!!

Happy Birthday Emma!!!!
You are the smartest, sweetest 3 year-old ever. I should have named you joy, because you are pure joy. You make us smile everyday, all day long.

Emma started the day with a bath, cute clothes and her hair fixed like a princess. It didn't last. Jenny, a family friend came over and played games with the kids. Daddy came home early from work and mowed the lawn, so girls and I got some time to just play dolls together. Emma laughed and laughed.
Lover of chocolate.
Lover of markers.
Emma can write her name, and Mom. She knows all her letters. Knows dozens of shapes. She knows her numbers. Can count to 15 front and back. Her vocabulary is incredible. She amazes me everyday. Just a couple days ago. She brought me two empty toilet paper rolls she had tied together and said. "Mom, James destroyed my binoculars." I think he had sat on them or something. ;)
 I was also flipping through the channels on the TV the other day looking for PBS, when I paused on FOX for a moment, it was just a black screen with white letters on the top. Emma says to me. "No, Mom, not Fox!, P B S!!. I turned around and looked at her, the hair stood up on my arms, there was no one else in the room. Scary smart.

Ellie gave Emma what she wanted most for her birthday. A purple treasure chest. Ellie got this game for her birthday, but from the moment Emma laid eyes on it, she wanted it. She plays with it everyday. She gave Ellie a huge hug.

Barry took my cooking spray to school (he was making lunch for the office) and I had no cupcake liners. Oh well, they tasted yummy, once we got them out of the pan. ;)
Emma helped me make her birthday cupcakes, when I was making the frosting, I turned around to get the cupcakes out of the oven, and dear Emma licked the gell food coloring. It apparently didn't taste good because she started spitting and sputtering. She ended up with a bright pink mouth, teeth, cheeks, shirt and hair. I think we got most of it out. She was happy to wear her "M" pj's for the rest of the day, though I don't think she'll be licking anything bright pink anytime soon. ;)

Emma requested to blow out the candle multiple times. I hope all her wishes were granted because she deserves it.

She loved the cupcakes and told me Thank You several times! 

Beautiful, but tired.

Love you Em!

My Little Big Foot

I love you my sweet Nicholas. Happy Birthday!
I remember one of the first things I thought when I first saw you was how big your feet were. Just like your big brother. :D
I know we will be with each other again someday.

Some November from phone.

 sorry if you've seen these.
 Barry got a little tractor from his dad. He fixed it up and got it running, it took him awhile, so it was a proud moment when he got to drive his victory lap around the yard.

Go Dad!

 Nutella and jam on a homemade doughnut. Don't do it. ;)

 Another reason you should stay away from the canal. These little guys might pinch you. James and Ellie caught about 30 of them.

 staying out late on our land to see the stars.

 James took this photo. He came and asked for my phone to take a picture. He says he took it to make me happy.

 I let him suck on an apple. Gave him a rash. Poor boy.
 6 more cavities filled for Lauren.

 Literacy Night at the Elementary School. I got coerced into volunteering. The kids had fun.

 Emmie's birthday!! She's 3!!!!! We love her soo much. I got a migraine, hopefully, I have more pics on my camera.
 We drove over to our land to cut a club for Barry's friend to club things with.... Anyway, when we drove up, I saw a strange animal run into those trees. A bobcat maybe???? It was super cool. :)
 Daddy putting Owen down for a nap. This is pretty typical.
 Owen loves to sing. If you sing to him, he can't help but chime in.
 He's disappointed when you stop....

 We finally got some firewood and the kids helped daddy stack it. I think Owen and I stayed in and watched a movie. Brrrrrrr

Singing again
 Some Thanksgiving pictures. We had a quiet Thsnksgiving at home. Barry's parents joined us. More pics to come.
 apparently olives stick in your teeth. Guess that's what I get for snitching olives from Grandma before dinner.

 Infamous Butter Turkey. The kids wanted me to buy this soo bad. I broke down and got it for them. They were just so fascinated by it.

 Owen loves the Christmas tree and tries desperately to get to it.

 sweet James saw his struggle and picked him up and sat in the chair next to the tree with him and just let him look and look. :D

 I must say we inspired several people to get doughnuts. It was wayyy too cold to eat them outside, and there was no way I was letting them eat them in the car.