Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October Beginnings

 We've been sick. Ugh!
 Taking naps with Daddy.

Owen is expert at rolling over tummy to back. He's an impressive little guy.

"Oh Mom, where did you put your Owen?" 
Emma loves Owen, she may not be his favorite person though. :D

She's a little intense for him.
...and yes he STILL has jaundice.

Barry's sweet secretary sent him home with two rotisserie chickens, because she knew we were sick. I made a big batch of chicken noodle soup. We also made some savory crepes. Yum!

School reports:

OWEN pretending to be asleep, so we don't bother him. He's totally awake. :D He cracks his eye open every few seconds to make sure I'm still here.
CinderEllie: Gosh! I have no idea why Ellie want to leave us and go visit Grandma for a week. ;)

Tongue sticking out, made possible by my mean Mom.

Owen is BIG. He doesn't feel small to me at all. He's in 6 month clothes at 6/7 weeks.  This is a 3 month sleeper and it's wayy short on him and doesn't begin to fit his giant feet.

The hair is finally come back in in top. It's going to be thick and maybe curly. :D
Chubba chub chub chub chub....

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Conference Weekend

 A trip up to the South Hills

 Smiles for Mommy.
