Thursday, August 14, 2014

August Samplings

Today's work. Now to stack it!
 but there is MORE

BJ mowed the lawn after I took this picture. :)
 Barry's Garden. From a barren patch of ground a year ago, to THIS. I'm pretty proud of my husband. He's pretty amazing. :)


We've been sick. (Not from eating leaves)

I got the stomach bug bad, not so much fun. :(

Yet, sweet Emma agreed to a little photo shoot with her Mommy ....(the Mommy who didn't have the energy to go inside and clean up the house that was destroyed by the roving gangs while she was sick)....anyway. You get the idea.

"Mmmm nice and crispy, just the way I like it"



Don't you want to just pick her up and hug her and kiss those chubby cheeks? :)

I know she looks sad, but she really was having fun and enjoying nature and the fresh air.

*no leaves were harmed consumed in the making of these pictures.



Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yellowstone 2014 Part 2

 Love the colors in this picture.

We went home through the south Entrance. We drove through Jackson and got to visit the beautiful Jenny Lake. (sorry these should be at the end, but the some how got out of order.)

 The beautiful Teton are truly breathtaking.

 Lauren holding Grandma's recently acquired new pet.

 ok, back to Yellowstone.

 This is formation I have taken Ellie's picture by every year.
 She found something more interesting. ...can you see it??

 The famous petrified tree.
 These two together was a common site.
 and these two. ....These pics would've been cute, if they weren't so blurry.

 Social grooming. Seriously? Is my hair that color. It's beautiful! (sorry just had to throw that one in there)

 Trees are coming back after the fire.

 My perfect baby.
Showing James how to carve his initials in the tree at Jenny Lake.

....just kidding.


Until next year. :)

Yellowstone 2014

We took the kids to Yellowstone this summer. It was a lot of driving! Our Explorer was in the shop so we had to take the car for a leg of the journey.  It was quite squishy for the kids. We met Grandma and Grandpa Stuart part way and let them take some of the kids.
Emma was a perfect princess, almost the entire time.

When we arrived at our motel. Everyone was pretty much sick of driving. They had a nice swing in the shade where the kids could set and enjoy cookies.

a wily coyote

This buffalo totally photobombed me. I was trying to get a nice shot of the landscape and whamoh! this one walked right next to the car I could have reached out my arm and ran my fingers through it's matted fur..

Grandma wanted me to take a picture of these stairs, that she climbed.  It was  pretty impressive.

Doesn't it look like we're super-imposed on this picture. Kinda weird, but we were really there! This is my favorite part of Yellowstone. Firehole Falls! It's awesome!
Elli would not come and stand by us. Guess she doesn't like heights.

Beautiful Colors.
in the Historic Yellowstone Lodge ...waiting for Grandma to complete her shopping and to see Old Faithful.

Some ladies carry a cute little dog in their bags, Grandma carries a BUFFALO!