Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Emmaline turns 1!

On November 18th our little Emmie turned 1!

She is such a blessing to our family.

I don't think her parents or her brother or sisters could love her more.

Emma is a tease. She is very mischievous. She loves to go for something she knows she is NOT suppose to do, then turn around and look back at me (to make sure I am paying attention), if I am she will then crawl super speed towards the object (potted plant, bathroom, etc.) giggling so hard she can barely crawl ...as I am calling after her telling her to stop! (this has become one of her favorite games)

Every morning, I give Emma a warm bottle of milk, change her diapers and set her on the floor and she takes off, exploring. She crawls around the house seeing what is happening in each room. The kids call it Emma doing her rounds or her inspections.  She greets everyone with a "Hi."

Emma can often be seen with a sparkle in her eye and a huge grin on her face. She is such a light in our family.

At 13 months, Emma weighs about 26+ lbs, She only has two teeth, on the bottom, and not a huge desire to learn to walk. I don't mind! I love having her for a baby for a long as she'll keep.

Emmie is my first child to truly babble. I will say something to her and she will babble back to me like she is talking. Daddy always says. "Is that what we sound like to you Em?" and she grins so big and laughs. She also says, Mom, Dad, Ellie, Ut oh, MORE, Milk, Hi, hello, bye, yeah, and a few other words.

I love how Emmie beckons to me with her hand, when she wants me ..or something and holds out her arms when she wants me to pick her up.

One of the funniest thing Emmie does it GASP ......really loud. She forms her mouth into a perfect "o", points, and gasps.
This is quite funny to me, because MY gasping, in surprise, is one of Barry's greatest pet peeves. Now we have a child who gasps when she sees a toy she wants, gasps during the middle of the blessing when she spots her favorite food on the table. Gasps when she sees the kitty's outside the kitchen window. Gasps in the car when a big truck goes by. You name it. :)  (My friend, who loves to annoy Barry, like to encourage Emmie to gasp, and it's quite funny when they get together, each pointing and gasping at everything over and over until they sound like a bunch of whooping monkeys.)

I love when I go into my room to pick Emmie up from her nap, and 90% of the time she sits up and grins at me and says Hi!, she doesn't say Mom, she's not crying, just a grin and "Hi!" :) Love her! She has done this since she was very young.

Emmie is such a beautiful little girl, and twice as sweet. She has stolen all of our hearts and we simple could not do without her!

Love you Miss Emmaline! Happy Birthday!

(Emma was quite sick on her birthday, but she still was nice enough to let me take a couple of pictures from the special day.) (The card and balloons are from Great Grandma and Grandpa Griffin. :)  )

 Sitting on her own chair by herself.
 Emmie loves to push her face up next to mine and give me this grin.