Thursday, April 12, 2018

Park Day and New Arrivals!

The highly anticipated Park Day finally came!
Park Day is where we load up all the kid's and all their school work and go visit all the different parks in Twin Falls. The only catch is ...they have to finish a portion of their school work before they can play at each park. 

 Lauren's new best friend Whats-her-name?

School Lunch at Cafe Rio and a little dessert at DQ for those who ate there burritos. :D


 On the trail system at CSI. They all wanted a picture at the "baby playground" :D
 James found THIS and a frisbee in the creek at CSI. I let him keep the frisbee ....for a little while at least. :D

Took my boy fishing today .....just because he loves it so.
 He caught this lovely fish, which jumped out of his hand while I was taking the picture and landed right on my foot and then it whipped me with it's tail. I decided that he didn't have to throw it back after all and that he could have it for dinner. 

........another adventure was waiting for us at the post office today. Wish him luck!

Dinner at Our House Lately....

 Here boy... Garlic Bread will make it ALL better.
Hmmmm This IS good!

Spring Break Final/Pine Wood Derby

 We went out to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge for one Day.
It was beautiful out there. We saw tons of different birds. It was a great day.

 Don't feed the bears!

When we got home, we remembered about the James' Pinewood Derby.
Sorry James!
Luckily, we had Ellie's old car from a Pixie Derby that he could use.
We stuck a batman sticker on it and called it handsome. ;D

 He got a solid Three place ...every race.
 consoling himself afterwards. There is always next year James. :D

Spring Break 1

There is that adorable baby again!!

Stopped at Grandpa Griffins to dye Easter Eggs. The kids had lots of fun. I have no idea why I didn't take any pictures.