I would like to thank all those who participated (we'll except for my SIL who I now have renamed CRAZY Kelli ;) ) in my first and probably last ever blog survey.
I didn't post the results earlier, because they didn't work.
Let me explain, even though an overwhelming majority "sortof" agreed with me. (what I wanted) I feel like I've gained no justification to my slacking off,
I just feel like you're all slackers too. Ah sorry about that, I can't help how I feel. (isn't that what people say?)
Thanks for all the helpful slacking-off tips though. :)
P.S. Stayed tuned to hear about a major Pate household update.
Erin L said...
Well, I'm not really one to talk. I don't like ironing either. Part of me says "Iron those shirts" and part of me says "only do it when absolutely necessary, and only do the really bad parts."
Can I have 1/2 a vote each way?
April 16, 2010 1:18 PM
Kelli said... (this would be AKA CRAZY KELLI)
I am an iron freak, I always have to iron our clothes before we go out. Sadly enough I even iron our jeans, my family has always made fun of me for doing this. I actually love to iron clothes, so I'm not one to talk much cause I don't have wee little ones running around. But I'm all about having clothes ironed before you go out.
(I don't know if you will like me after this ;) )
April 16, 2010 6:54 PM
leardonsbelle said...
I will admit I only iron Landon's church shirt and only when he asks. That goes for any of his shirts. I have found that if I hang his shirts up right as the dryer is finishing than he doesn't have as many wrinkles and they look less wrinkled. So I would say no.
April 16, 2010 10:28 PM
Amy G. said...
Only do it for special occasions, ironing is the worst and its not like Barry needs to look any more attractive around those young college girls
April 19, 2010 1:36 PM
JBurger said...
Ironing is fantastic- there's nothing better than a nicely ironed shirt. That said, Nope- I don't think you should always iron every shirt.
Try this cheating method. Buy a wrinkle-releaser, you can get them in most laundry isles. I think Downy's brand is "Wrinkle free" or something like that. Iron the collar and a crease in the sleeve (if you do that, I know military has to have the sleeves creased but not sure if that's what you all do or not ;) and then hang the shirt on a hanger. Spritz the shirt down (avoid the ironed collar and sleeves) and tada! Quick easy fix. Or at least that's what I do.
April 21, 2010 12:19 AM
Kimberly said...
NOT: Just get wrinkle free shirts, and you never have to iron them again. Or just make him do it.
April 21, 2010 12:43 PM
c said...
I think a key thing to consider is, "does Barry want you to iron his shirts?" I always did it for Andy for me not for him--I didn't like looking at him in wrinkly shirts...he now does not iron his shirts and is probably happier...