Yesterday I did something I have never done before. I said the "F" word. I know, I know. I can hardly believe it either. ;)
Ellie was having "learning time" during James' nap, and I was giving her example of words that rhythm with luck,, muck, f..... oh dear. I felt my face turning bright red and I mumbled to Ellie, "oh no, not that one"
Ellie sensing my embarrassment, looks me in the eye and says "oh, yes mom, yes it does".
On another note:
Ellie had Grandma and Grandpa and her Aunt Amy come up for her birthday. She had a delightful time, even though she wasn't feeling very well. Ellie is very social and visits are very important to her. She received a plethora of presents, and spends most of her days playing with them. Presents of note: a microphone that plays a recorded pop-song. Ellie stands in front of the mirror holding that microphone and sings her little heart out in the most off-key tune you could ever imagine. She also received a real camera, which she loves. The day after she got it, she informed me that she had already taken 182 pictures, and we could put them all on my computer. ACK! I made her delete the 36 of her nostrils. I'll post pictures of her photo sessions soon, she wants her own blog, but we'll see.