Wednesday, March 30, 2011

...Hanging on by my Tail Feathers

Monday night was the night

I threw out all my main goals for this year, and just picked one main goal, To be a better mom. This is going to take a lot of prayer and personal reflection, but I feel committed.

So goodbye for now, knitting, practicing the piano, under-water basket weaving, reading informative books, running(phew), painting the pantry, etc

To off set this, for Family Night, each family member selected, or was *assigned small personal improvement goals.

Lauren: *Smile more, cry less.
James: *Wear clothes all day long.
Ellie: *Drinking a jug full of water everyday. Less fighting with James.
Myself: Break sugar addiction, eat healthy. No yelling at children
Barry: *Integrity: developing a higher level. Break sugar addiction

Lauren is all smiles, mostly ;)
James is struggling, really struggling with his goal. I think he has no respect for it. Clothes are removed all most instantaneously
Ellie is doing awesome on her water drinking, and semi awesome on her no fighting.
Myself: Crazy craving sugar, it's a great combination with no yelling. Requires constant focus
Barry: Did the taxes like he said he would, and is doing well eating healthy.

This sugar thing is way hard.

by Tuesday afternoon I was emailing Barry to see if he had cracked yet.

Dear Barry,

How are you doing on our no dessert no candy goal??

I'm hanging on by my tail feathers.


When he came home he admitted he had ate a peppermint at work, but he had really needed one, he said. So I let it slide,

He kindly let the massive amount of jam I put on my corn bread for dinner slide too.

Wish us luck.

Progress is our Motto.

Progress, Progress Progress.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011