Yesterday, cleaning off my bookshelf a small cut-out picture of Barry's head fell from one of the books. I picked it up, holding it between my fingers and chuckled.
Last summer, I was extremely frustrated with Barry and his lack of activity. There were/are so many things to be done around the house, and he was just laying around reading books all day and watching documentaries on the internet.
You see he has the whole summer off and thinks it's his vacation or something. There is very little that annoys me more than laziness when there is work to be done.
So one morning as Ellie and Barry were downstairs eating breakfast, I head Ellie ask Barry what a sloth was.
Knowing where this was going I seized upon this opportunity. Quick as a flash, I grabbed an unflattering photo of Barry that I had thrown in the trash earlier. Quickly cut out his head, grabbed Ellie's animal encyclopedia, found the picture of the sloth and carefully taped on Barry's head over top of the sloths. It could not have been a more perfect fit!!!! I set the book back on the shelf and scurried out of her room.
I chuckled to myself as I heard Ellie coming up the stairs asking me for her animal book so Dad could look something up for her. I told her to find it herself, that it was somewhere on her bookshelf. She found the book and headed down the stairs.
I went downstairs and started folding the laundry on the couch so I could be nearby.
I heard Ellie place the book on the table and start flipping through the pages, all the while Barry is telling Ellie about sloths, how they are so very lazy, that they do virtually nothing, sleeping 10 plus hours a day....
Getting impatient, I hear Barry take the book from Ellie and help her locate the correct page.
there was SILENCE for a good 10 seconds,
Then I hear Ellie whisper to Barry with a small gasp "
Is that really what it looks like???"
I admit I exploded in a fit of uncontainable laughter