Friday, September 30, 2011

A Fall Ride

Lauren having Daddy time.

Mmmmm... what to do for fun???

I love this picture, you can see she is laughing with the binky in her mouth.

A serious horsewoman


My beautiful girl

He could ride all day.

Heading back to the barn, after a fun afternoon.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

James and the Giant Tractor

Long day, working on the farm, chasing the girls in the tractor.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Guess what

we have been doing......

Ellie does not like wiggling her teeth, so when I told her she had to *wiggle her tooth for 5 min before you played. She just groaned in complaint and came over to me with her mouth open and said, "How about you just pull it out instead."
So, before she had too much time to think about that request, I reached in and yanked that tooth out. She was happy as a clam not to have a loose tooth anymore. Unfortunately, she bit a lotion bottle later that day and made another tooth real loose.

*Perhaps you think I am a mean mother to make her wiggle her teeth, but as you can see from the picture the permanent residences are moving in and the current occupants need to move out!

Yes, beans, beans and more beans. If you want to here the funniest little cackle, show James how to pinch bean seeds at his sisters, he never got tired of it, and would always let out the funniest mischievous cackle whenever he was successful and hitting anyone.

We leave 20 min early everyday to pick up Ellie from school, this gives us time to review letters and read books in the car while we wait for Ellie to come. Baby Lauren is usually napping so it's a little special one on one time I can spend with James every day.

see napping

not napping

Last Saturday, I took a quilting class from my dear friend Anita(More on this later)I was gone for approximately three hours. While I was away Barry built this. He sure does accomplish amazing things while he is watching the kids.
*It's a half shed, half green house.
He has the metal roofing on now, and has the plastic ready to put up. More pictures to come.

and now you know what we've been up to.......

**** author's note
Spell check has disappeared off blogger, so um sorry, you're going to be getting these posts very raw.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Digging a root cellar

Sometime I look at my little boy and just think

I love my little Mexican boy

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Many Faces of Lauren Noelle

for Jeana

Lauren looks like my mom, the lightening on this pic was all messed up, so I darkened it and I swear it could be a baby picture of my mom -minus the modern funny outfit. The bow is from dress-ups. It's Snow White's I believe.

Lauren the doll

Lauren Larue

Sleepy Lauren

Beautiful Lauren

"Just stop already MOM!"

I can always tell when Lauren wants to give me a kiss, or eat me. She gets this certain look in her eyes.

I love you Lauren, my happy beautiful girl!

Monday, September 5, 2011

in case you were wondering....

The leaf was from a Tulip Tree.
They are B-E-Utiful!