Sunday, January 29, 2012

Who's YOUR best friend?

I love you Lauren LaRue you are a JOY!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Canda Dry

All I wanted for New Years Eve was some Ginger Ale. I decided this year to have my own quiet little party, send the kids to bed early, break out the ice cold Ale and a murder mystery ...ahh what could be better???

I have a deep an abiding love for Ginger Ale, but in an effort to provide my kids good nutrition and prevent major dental bills in the future, we don't keep soda pop or juice around the house.

So on New Years Eve, as I found myself at the grocery store buying a 12 pack of Ginger Ale(Canada Dry), I felt a little guilty. I resolved to only drink one can that night, and hide the rest for later.

When I came home and was making dinner, I decided I would just sneak a sip or two before dinner. I quietly opened the fridge, grabbed out a can, pushed the top open with the ring....

It was instant! I was surrounded with children. Like vultures circling the kill.

"What's that Mom?"

"Can I have some of that Mom?"

I want to try that Mom, what does that taste like?"

Now, I will admit this batch of Ginger Ale, tasted like the king of carbonation, it was hard for me to get even a little swallow down without swishing it around in my mouth first.
So with a plan, I handed the can to Ellie.

"Go ahead try it." I said

She took a cautious little swallow, coughed and made a face.

"Good!" I said. "You don't like it."

Now for picky James, he is excessively picky and will go for days without eating anything, because nothing strikes his fancy.

(By this time Barry had swopped in, like another vulture, waiting for his turn.)

I handed James the can.

He took a huge swallow.
He gasped.
He looked up at me with a face full of wonder and said. "That's SPICEY!!!!"

I smiled and said, "Good, you don't like it." and made a grab for the can.

Slowly James' face changed from wonder to a huge grin.

"I like it! I like it!" he squealed jumping up and down.

Then with a dark look at me he securely tucked the can under his arm like a quarter back going for the winning touchdown.

Barry gave a low chuckle at my obvious dissatisfaction.

"Fine!", I growled at him, "you can have another sip."

James carefully brought the can out and to his lips, tipped back his head and....
Chugchug.. chug ..chug...

Now it was my turn to gasp. My eyes opened wide, and I looked at Barry, "Can you do that???" I asked in astonishment.

"Let me see?" he said, tearing the can away from James's fingers, and giving the can a sip.

"Nope", he said with a grin, handing the can back to JAMES, "that stuff is killer and it doesn't even taste good"

James laughed in glee at having the can back in his possession and tipped his head back and chugged the WHOLE rest of can standing in front of me.
Finished, he smacked his lips, handed me the empty can, and said with sheer sincerity,
"I like it!"

I moped around for the rest of the evening. This wasn't my plan, this wasn't how it was suppose to go. I wanted my 12 cans of Ginger Ale ALL TO MYSELF!

Late that night as Barry was upstairs putting James to bed, I could hear James crying and making a fuss. Presently, Barry came into the kitchen and opened the fridge pulling out another can of Ginger Ale.

"What are you doing?!?!" I demanded, "hands on my hips."

"It's James," he said trying to contain a smile, "He's crying. He says he needs more Spicy Juice."

"Spicy Juice???" I said with despair.

"Yeah, Spicy Juice." Barry said with a Cheshire grin, as he snatched the can from the fridge and scampered up the stairs to James.

Monday, January 2, 2012

for those of you

I had a few comments, about the lack of pictures of myself in my blog.

Yes, it's true, i do refrain from posting pictures of myself.

I don't want to make people too jealous

After all, i do turn heads.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Goodbye 2011!

I know a lot people don't have much good to say about you, but I think you were my best year yet!

My sweet little Lauren Noelle is 1
She is so dear to our little family, I simply do not know what we ever did without her cheesy grin and mischievous expressions.
Her favorite pastime is crawling up the stairs, which is super naughty and forbidden. Because wen don't want her to fall down.
We move the couch in front of the stairs to deter her, but she squirms behind it and makes a break for the stairs anyway. The funny thing is, she is often laughing so hard, because she knows how naughty she is, that she can barely climb the stairs anyways. Sometimes she just lays her head down on the first stair and just laughs and laughs with sheer glee. I love her snuffy little laugh, her bright eyes, and her happy little spirit. Even when she feels miserable and is sicker than a dog with the cold or flu, she will still find a reason to smile.

Though Lauren is small for her age, she very much wants to be one of the big kids.
She always wants to be involved with what's going on around her, and seems to have awareness and facial expression way beyond her year.
Lauren is pure joy to have and I am so excited to have new adventures with her this year.

I love you Lauren Larue!!!