Monday, December 10, 2012

Nutcracker 31

A kind friend, gave us 2 tickets to the Nutcracker. I wasn't up to it, so Barry asked Ellie on a date.
She was super excited to go. She had a fun time, but went to straight to bed when she came home, and I mean "straight to bed." ...Walked in the door...up the stairs, got into bed, and was fast asleep before I could even open my mouth to ask her if she liked it. Ballet is tiring
 stuff, I guess.

Scary picture, I know. That's what a week of crying does to you and only mascara for makeup. (ACK!)
..but the focus of the picture is the delicious, decadent, white chocolate black raspberry cheesecake my friend made for my 31st birthday. It was the best thing I've ever eaten. Sooooooo yummmy!!

The cute Monson family came to see me on my birthday as well. I haven't seen my friend DaNette since highschool. So 12 years and 8 kids later(3 for me, 5 for her), it was quite a meeting. Thanks DaNette!
Sorry I didn't even offer you a piece of cheesecake, I wasn't intentionally hoarding it, ..possibly unintentionally, but definitely not intentionally. ;)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nicholas James

This is an excerpt from my journal. It is not edited well, it is of a very personal nature and may be distressing to some.There is one fuzzy picture. So this post may not be for everyone, but I wanted to include it in my blog.

I was very happy to discover I was pregnant again, in August of 2012. This pregnancy was rough. From the very beginning I was extremely sick, and unable to do more than get out of bed for 5 ½ weeks, but I dreamed clearly of a little boy, with dark eyes, his name was Nicholas. 
The doctor was actually pleased with how sick I was, and told me that the sickness was a positive sign. At  around 10 weeks, I was able to hear our dear baby’s heartbeat and a had a quick ultrasound to make sure all was well.  I was anxious to go to each of my appointments to hear the baby’s heartbeat and reassure myself that the baby was okay.

I was very excited when I was finally able to schedule my ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby. I had told Barry, if we have a boy, we will name him Nicholas, (no ifs ands or buts about it :) and if we have a girl, we could discuss her name. He wasn’t sure if he agreed, but also didn’t argue with me.

When I went in to schedule my ultrasound. I requested the ultrasound be on my birthday,(Dec 4th) since I knew I would be 19 weeks. Yet, on a second thought, I asked the receptionist if I could schedule it earlier, I fully expected to be told no. For I knew that wasn’t what the doctor wanted …but I was anxious to see my baby. The receptionist didn’t even blink, she said I could schedule it for that Tuesday (Nov 27th) if I wanted  (even though the note I had just given her from the Doctor said to wait at least another week.) I smiled, and said “that would be great!”

Barry and the kids came with me to my appointment. The ultrasound tech, wondered out-loud, no less than 10 times, why I had been scheduled for an ultrasound a week early. I just smiled at her and didn’t say anything. Our baby was perfect in every way. He was quick to show us he was a boy, and I started crying I was soo happy. James was very excited for “a little brudder.” Ellie was just happy we were happy. The ultrasound tech was amazed at how clear the image was, and that she was able to make all the measurements she needed so easily. He was wiggling all around and waving his arms. Before we left, the tech took a few pictures of our little boy. James even recognized that his little brother was trying to communicate. “He said, look Mom, he’s giving us a thumbs up.”, and sure enough, he was.  

We were so very happy to be having a little boy, but something was not sitting right in my heart. I hesitated to share my fears with Barry, because a pregnancy loss after 12 weeks is so rare.  I even looked it up, less than half a percent. 

Unfortunately only three days later on November 30th( 18 weeks), at 6 am I woke up, laying peacefully in bed, and my water broke. I ran to the bathroom crying and called to Barry, who was just leaving for work. I told him what happened, and all he said was “but Jill, it’s too early he can’t survive.” “I know,” I said.  We frantically called a neighbor, whose name just popped into my head. She agreed to come. As soon as she arrived, we jumped in the car and drove to the hospital. I called them on the way to let them know we were coming. We went into the ER, and they were very kind to us. They made sure I was comfortable and brought out the Doppler machine, which monitors baby’s heartbeat. I wanted to scream at the lady not to put it on my stomach, but she did, and immediately found our baby’s heartbeat. She said “Your baby’s heartbeat is fine and he is alive right now.” The Dr called and said he was on his way and ordered me to have an ultrasound. Explaining that the water loss could just possibly be a discharge from the uterus. I was horrified, I didn’t want to see an ultrasound. They wheeled me into the ultrasound room, and the ultrasound tech, immediately began measuring our little boy’s arms, and legs, and pointing out where his organs were. She put the heartbeat on the speaker so we could hear it. I looked up at my little baby on the screen and I knew that something was very wrong. He was curled up in a ball and had his head tucked down in his chest. I knew at that moment he was dying. I closed my eyes and started crying uncontrollably. Barry took my hand and we cried together.  I tried to ask the ultrasound tech questions, but she would just respond, that it was up to the doctor to look at the pictures and decide. When the Dr. walked in, he said “I was hoping that the decision wouldn’t be in a grey area, and that it would be black and white, and THIS decision is black and white.”  The decision was very black as he proceeded to explain that to prevent fatal infection for me, our baby would need to be delivered that day, and would most likely not survive the labor, and was too premature to be saved if he was in fact born alive.  

 At that moment I entered an alternate reality (I’m sure due to shock). They wheeled me back to the emergency room, while they prepared things in Labor and Delivery. It was then, through my tears, I asked Barry if we could give our boy a name …knowing in my heart that I couldn’t name him anything other than Nicholas.  Barry took my hand and said, “He already has a name.” 
It was there in the delivery room, that Barry gave me a beautiful Priesthood Blessing, I had asked him to bless our Nicholas that he would not have to suffer, and would pass from this earth quickly. When Barry gave me the blessing, I knew the words that he was saying were not his own.  He blessed me to know that nothing I had done had caused this to happen. He blessed me to know that Nicholas and Heavenly Father were aware of me, and they knew that this was going to happen, and for me to know that he(Nicholas) had chosen this. That he had come to this earth to get a body, but that he needed to return home now. He blessed Nicholas to pass from this earth quickly and not to suffer. He blessed me to know that even though our dear little boy couldn’t be with us now, that he would be mine again someday.
I knew, and know that what he was saying was true and that those words were from my Heavenly Father. An overwhelming spirit of comfort descended upon the room and stayed with us, and I spent the next few quiet moments quietly saying goodbye to our little boy.  We were comforted to remember seeing our little boy through the ultrasound waving to us just a few days earlier and giving us a thumbs up sign, ...knowing now that he had chosen this path and was telling us goodbye.
After inducing my labor, Nicholas James Pate was born later that day. He was tiny, and dark red, but perfect in every way. His eyes were closed and he looked completely at peace, though his body was bruised from a rough delivery. He had big feet like his older brother and a very similar frame. Tiny hands with long fingers. He had a little cleft in his chin, and broad shoulders like his Daddy. His little profile looked amazingly like James.  We had decided to name him Nicholas Barry, but after seeing him, we knew he was Nicholas James. We took some pictures and held him for a long time, even though we knew that he had left this earth earlier on, and wasn’t in his little body anymore. 

After recovering a bit from surgery, we returned home. I prayed that Nicholas' spirit would stay with us for a while so we would not have to go home without him. We were grateful to Grandma and Grandpa Pate who had driven up to be with the kids. 

It was hard to tell the kids about their brother. We told them, we named him Nicholas.  James got a frown and said, but I wanted you to name him James. We were happy to tell him we did. We named him Nicholas James. That made James very happy.
The next morning, James woke up to tell me he played with Nicholas James up in Heaven, and was sad when he had to leave. That they had had lots of fun together.
Ellie made me a beautiful card, on which she wrote the names of our family and drew Nicholas’ picture.
A few days later I was looking at some pictures of Nicholas that we had taken at the hospital. James came right over, and said, “That’s Nicholas James Pate.  He has died in that picture. I love him Mom.” He had no trouble recognizing his little brother, and that his sweet spirit was no longer in his little body and had already returned to Heaven.

                                     Nicholas James Pate 11/30/2012

Though our hearts are broken, we are so thankful little Nicholas came to our family ..even though he couldn't stay.  We know we will see him again, and are so very grateful for the peace and comfort the gospel brings.