Monday, February 11, 2013

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggy Dog

One day, when Lauren was quite small, she keep asking me for a hot dog, I was surprised because I didn't know she knew that word.  I repeatably told her we didn't have any. She finally screamed and stomped and pulled me into the kitchen to point to the muffins on the counter.

"Oh! I said, you want a muffin???" ...holding the muffin out to her.

I got a very vigorous nod, and she snatched it up and said "hot dog."

At this point in time my dear little helpful Ellie who had been quietly observing, explained quite matter-of-factly "she thinks a muffin is a hot dog."

Not thinking too much about WHY that might be, I explained to Lauren several times, that the yummy thing she had eaten and was asking for another of, was NOT a hot dog, but in fact a muffin.

Several months later, it was like I was having de ja vue, when my dear Lauren started begging me for a hot dog again. I insisted we didn't have any, and had completely forgotten about the muffin situation until she once again dragged me into the kitchen and pointed at my freshly made cupcakes.

"Mmmmm Hot Dog please." She said very politely.

Ellie could not help laughing out loud, thinking it was quite the funniest thing. To this day, I have not been able to convince Lauren that muffins are muffins, and cupcakes are cupcakes. They are Hot Dogs. And neither James or Ellie has confessed to purposely confusing their poor little sister .....but I certainly suspect Ellie.

The funny thing is when Barry brought home two cases of quarter pound hot dogs from work, and our fridge was filled with hot dogs, Lauren had no trouble accepting that this pink tube of salty mystery meat was coincidentally called a hot dog as well. 

Oh well. ;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Threats Made Good

James is usually the biggest sweetheart in the whole world. Quick to save "I love you", snuggle, and gives hugs.
But lately, James has desperately wanted to play with my Ipad. I have seriously restricted his access, and he is none too pleased with me.

Today he was following me around the house begging to play with it, when he suddenly stopped, stood straight up, feet apart, and in a voice that could only command respect said.

"Mom!, if you don't let me play your Ipad, I will do THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 He thrust his hand deep in his pocket .................... and pulled out the lining

....and just let it hang there.

 Oh my goodness, I tried soo hard not to laugh. :) Since James was small, I have expressed to him that I cannot stand untucked pockets, it simply drives me nuts.

I honestly had no idea that it would one day be used against me. ;)

                                           I will say nothing on if I gave in after such a threat.

Made these the other day. Raspberry(made with fresh raspberries, hence the purpleness) White Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies. Taste like cheesecake. Mmmmmmm

Saturday, February 2, 2013

An oldie

a pregnant friend posted on FB she was craving spring rolls. Oh how it reminded me......

click here!