Dark Eyed Lauren BRAND-NEW!
She STILL loves to find sticks and carry them around.I was trying to find more toddler age pictures of Lauren, and I just don't seem to have very many. Then I found the above picture and it all came flooding back to me. I think I deleted a lot of pictures. She was never one to put on a fake smile for the camera and it was hard to get a good one.
Baby Ellie
She started cooking for the family, very early. :)
One of Ellie's favorite things to do when she was small is tickle my feet. I was constantly forgetting and would absentmindedly hang my feet off the bed every few minutes and she would sneak over and tickle tickle. :)
Back to Lauren
Very typical Lauren expression. She's made this face at me since she was a baby. :)
Lauren was very concerned before Emma was born that she wouldn't be my baby anymore. I told her she would ALWAYS be my baby. She really liked that. It helped with the transition. She would tell everyone, My mom has TWO babies, Me and Emma.
All grown up!
Emma has started potty training, we are very proud of her. I tell her what a big girl she is getting to be, and she just BEAMS! You can see it.
(Sorry I currently have no way of editing or cropping pictures.)
Caught in the act! Stealing Ellie's Valentine's chocolates. Emma has ALL sweet teeth.
I am very curious as to whether we will be adding another girl or boy to our family this summer. I don't need to tell you what James is hoping for. :)