Last night, Barry was calling for me to come to our family scripture reading.
After a few moments, I hear Emmy also calling out. "Come strippers, come!!!!!"
Not sure IF I should respond to that, I walked in the room and Barry is sitting on the bed with Emmy, grinning ear to ear.
I said very clearly. "I'm here for scriptures......."
Friday, April 22, 2016
Today I have eight kids.
1 Ten-year old
2 Eight-years old
2 Seven-years old (the only boys! :)
1 Five-year old
2 2-years old
I always wanted to have eight kids.
It does feel a bit chaotic though.
Their Mommy needed a break.
She said her two-year old always falls asleep watching TV on the couch. We don't really have a TV, but I hooked up our computer to an antenna and had James move the couch in the kitchen by the computer. I was doubtful this setup would work. Strange couch, strange place, strange people........Yet, Strangely, asleep she went. *I was hoping Emmie would be inspired, she was not, nor was she impressed. She doesn't do naps ....unless forced. She requested another cookie instead.dear
Getting a talking-to on the famous rug, for being to wild. Crazy kids.
I was brave/foolish and made the kids spaghetti for lunch. ;)
20(21) week ultrasound day! Baby looked good.
A very common breakfast around here. Haven't made it lately? You must! So yummy! Here's our variation:
Puffy Oven Pancakes
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Melt 1/2 cube of butter. I just put it in the oven in a cake pan while it's preheating.
Slice one tart apple into small pieces
When butter is melted, remove pan from oven and spread apple slices on bottom of pan. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar over apples. Put back in oven.
Mix 5 eggs, 1/4 TSP salt, 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of flour. We use the bearers, but just mix until combined. Don't over mix. Pour on top of apples into hot pan. Bake 25-30 mins. Batter will puff up.
serve with syrup, jam, fresh strawberries, powdered sugar etc.
Emma was going down the slide all by herself and the kids were cheering for her. "Go Emma! Go Emma!"
The funny girl stood up at the top of the slide and put her hands to the sky and yelled "Go MEEE!!"
1 Ten-year old
2 Eight-years old
2 Seven-years old (the only boys! :)
1 Five-year old
2 2-years old
I always wanted to have eight kids.
It does feel a bit chaotic though.
Their Mommy needed a break.
She said her two-year old always falls asleep watching TV on the couch. We don't really have a TV, but I hooked up our computer to an antenna and had James move the couch in the kitchen by the computer. I was doubtful this setup would work. Strange couch, strange place, strange people........Yet, Strangely, asleep she went. *I was hoping Emmie would be inspired, she was not, nor was she impressed. She doesn't do naps ....unless forced. She requested another cookie instead.dear
Getting a talking-to on the famous rug, for being to wild. Crazy kids.
I was brave/foolish and made the kids spaghetti for lunch. ;)
20(21) week ultrasound day! Baby looked good.
A very common breakfast around here. Haven't made it lately? You must! So yummy! Here's our variation:
Puffy Oven Pancakes
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Melt 1/2 cube of butter. I just put it in the oven in a cake pan while it's preheating.
Slice one tart apple into small pieces
When butter is melted, remove pan from oven and spread apple slices on bottom of pan. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar over apples. Put back in oven.
Mix 5 eggs, 1/4 TSP salt, 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of flour. We use the bearers, but just mix until combined. Don't over mix. Pour on top of apples into hot pan. Bake 25-30 mins. Batter will puff up.
serve with syrup, jam, fresh strawberries, powdered sugar etc.
Emma was going down the slide all by herself and the kids were cheering for her. "Go Emma! Go Emma!"
The funny girl stood up at the top of the slide and put her hands to the sky and yelled "Go MEEE!!"
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Dierke's Lake
Saturday we went to the store and got some picnic supplies and drove to Dierke's Lake. One of my favorite places in Idaho.
It was a beautiful day. The kids love to rock climb there. They climbed around like little monkeys for a few hours, then we hiked all the way around the lake.
Ellie is an impressive climber. She admits, she hates going down though...........Me too Ellie, me too.
Emmie finding me some pretty flowers.
Lauren climbed this boulder by herself.
Hmmm, What can we climb here?
Emmie gets over-heated quite easily ....with all her cute insulation. She likes to seek out little shaded crevices to play in.
Ellie was distressed when she realized where we were on the map and how far we had left to go. We were at the right red X.
After soaking our hot feet in the icy water, we hiked our way back to the park, and had our picnic lunch. On our walk back, James waited for me and held my hand. He was obviously hot and tired after a long day. As we walked along, he said, "I'm going on a walk with my little brother." :) (This made me smile.) Then he said. "And, he's being carried..... and it's NOT FAIR." Haha ha ha! Oh James!
IT was a grand day!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Hurray for Homeschool!
Monday, April 4, 2016
Easter, Conference and Ritter Island
Easter was a bust this year ...
Ha! 'nuff said.
LDS Conference weekend was beautiful. The sun FINALLY decided to grace us with it's presence.
Barry and James woke up early and went to the store for a breakfast doughnut run. I think they must have been hungry, because they got a ton. Barry defends himself, and says the doughnuts were hot when they brought them out. Who can resist hot doughnuts?? :)
We drove out to Ritter Island on Saturday, listening to Conference on the radio. On the way to the island, we stopped at an ancient clay deposit. The kids filled their buckets to the brim. They are excited to see what they can make.
Emma and I sat in the car and ate lemon cookies. She was content, and I was content not to scramble up the hill. It was good. :)
Ritter Island is a small island in the middle of the Snake River. It is surrounded by crystal clear water and several waterfalls. We have tried to visit in the past, but it is hard to find (yes, we got lost, again!) and has very limited visiting hours. In the summer there is a dock and you can swim in the river and fish. James spotted some HUGE trout in the water. He is excited to go back and see if he can catch some.
The Ritter's of Ritter Island use to run a Guernsey Dairy. It was interesting to go in and tour the very old milking parlor inside an old barn.
There are paths all along the island for hikers and bird watchers.
I walked off by myself down the path a bit to find a bathroom, and I found some pretty falls. The water beneath very clear.
Em spotting me, walking back from afar. She ran all the way to me. :D
Lauren requested her picture taken beside this tree.
Lauren on the steps of the old Ritter Homestead.
Chucking rocks in the water.
I caught a huge frog(bigger than my hand) and small one for the kids. Our creek was strangely very clear, I have never seen it like that. It also was low. James was able to catch six fish in our creek and the girls and I took off our shoes and rolled up our pants and waded in. The ice cold water felt nice on my sore feet. Emma splattered mud all over me, which she thought was pretty funny.
Conference weekend was a delight. I really enjoyed the talks, and was glad to hear from our Prophet, Apostles and church leaders. I am so thankful for my knowledge of the gospel and that I can have my little family forever.
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