Thursday, June 15, 2017

Owen Bear's Twinkle

 I may be a tiniest bit bias, but I do believe I have the cutest baby in the world.
 He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable. I took these pictures just to see if I could capture the twinkle in his eye. He wouldn't hold still even for a moment.
 I wish I had this one in focus, but he's too quick for me, and my fixed lens. :D

 He is the sweetest happiest baby that is growing up way to fast!

 Everyday he tries something new. Biting the bar stools is a new favorite.
He has two bottom teeth in, and another top two have been spotted.
He can crawl on his hands and knees, but when he really wants to move quickly it's back to army crawling....and man is he FAST! He loves to climb everything... and is almost an independent stander at 9.5 months.
 IF you give a babe a cookie.....

I love you Owen Bear! You bring our family so much joy every day. :D

Magic Reservoir and Alturas Lake

Barry took us on a drive last weekend to Magic Reservoir and Alturas Lake. It was a cold day, but it sure was beautiful up there. We brought some lunch and snacks and were off on another adventure. :D




Thing just got a little bit more crazy. ;)
 Magic Valley Reservoir. This Reservoir is a very strange place out in the middle of no where.

There was a quite a few shack/houses along the shore. Seemed like a great place for doing all thing illegal.

 We drove up and over Galena Summit.  ...and found some snow.

 It was a bit colder than she expected. :D

 One of our favorite books to read as a family is Ski the Mountain. The story is based in these beautiful mountains. It was fun to point out the different places to the kids.

 This is the campsite we stayed at last time we camped up here. IT was a good one. We will be back with our new kayaks. James desperately wants to try catching Salmon.

We drove through Sun Valley on the way up the mountain. There were having a relay race over the mountain. It was fun to see all the different runners. These are not them. They DID run right in front of us though.

 Beautiful Mountain Wild Flowers
 Alturas Lake

 Hot Dang! My husband is handsome.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Kindergarten graduation

We Did go on an adventure this weekend, but the pictures are on my camera, so maybe I can upload those later.

First off. Lauren  graduated from Kindergarten. I kindof feel like I graduated too. What a pain driving back and forth every day. ;)
She did awesome and was no doubt the smartest kid in her class. She reads better than most third graders. Her class went on a walking field trip a few days before school ended. Emma James and Owen and I went as chaperons. ;D We went to the library, the fire station and the park. Emma was not shy and just pretended to be one of the students.

 Fire safety.


We went down to Utah for a few day to start the summer off right.
:D ...and to visit Mom for her birthday.

Barry and I got to go to he beautiful BC temple and hike over the mountain to Mantua. It was lots of fun. I forgot my shoes and was very sad that we weren't going to be able to do the hike, but Barry took me to the and bought me new ones, just so I could go. :D He also gote socks and some Chaco flip-flops that will last forever. They are so comfy.
 Top of the mountain.

 BC in the background. We tried to catch lizards. Beautiful wild flowers.
 We got back and Randy brought his family over and we played board games. I couldn't believe how patient he was with my kids. They rarely get to play board games because Barry hates them.
 Quick trip to the bird refuge.
 Emma's princess drawings. She is quite the artist.
 We taken to  calling Owen, Sharp Tooth. Those teeth are sharp! And he is not afraid to use them. Hopefully, he'll stop biting people and things soon.
 Free summer lunches at the school everyday. The kids love it. And I love I don't have to make them lunch. Win! Win!

 Bad reaction to strawberries. I want to remember this for next year. I took a lot of antihistamine. A few days later it made all my glands swell up. Made me super sore.
 A better Strawberry.
 A result of my labors and sickness.
 Emma's self portrait.
