no profile witch bump! Hurray!
Going to Father's and Son's Campout. (Amy that is not Owen's car seat, no worries)
Making Dinner for the first time in A LONG time! Too hot to eat!
Picking cherries at the Fish Hatchery. I brought a bar stool so I could reach some high ones. It was quite comical. Picked 4 big bags.
Owen in his sunday clothes. He was changed before he actually went to church, but here is the documentation.
Free Lunch at the Park ....every day!! heheheheheh
I planted a firewise garden last weekend. Wish me luck! I hope it ends up this pretty. I love living in the desert! This is at CSI!
live trap to catch that darn rock chuck eating everything.
Free Breakfast at the Park ....EVERYDAY! hehe he h eh heh
Starting to heal.......
4th of July 2018
Sage Brush Days 4th of July Race
Barry WON! Wahoooo!!!! He's been working really hard.
We were sure proud of him!

pictured here: Fastest in the 10K and slowest in the 5K! (hehehe) This is actually a pre-race picture ...but I had my suspicions.
Jeana and her family came up for the 4th.
We celebrated William 4th birthday, went swimming the wind, planted flowers, spread bark, and went walking.
For the Independence Day we went to Jackpot Nevada.
They had a really fun DJ there for the kid's and he kept them entertained for HOURS! The kids had a blast!
Strange lighting, but the kid's loved riding around and around and around and around on the train...
James won a dance contest. He danced and danced and danced and danced. I never knew he had such a love for dancing. ;D
Emma won a KungFu contest. (of course)
The DJ asked her where she learned her skills and she said "I just know" :D
Happy Birthday USA!
Crazy beautiful sunsets in fire season.
Lazy Summer Days are the BEST!
Owen came out to help me water my flowers this morning. He really loves our chickens.