Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Wonderful Weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend. We celebrated Barry's birthday and James got ordained a Deacon. We are so proud of him.

Barry and I went to the Blaze for his Birthday lunch. It was delicious.

Grandma and Grandpa Stuart were able to come up for James ordination, it was a special day. 

Count my chins!. :D


Beautiful Anna

my smallest baby 11 lb 14 ozs at 2.5 months. 


Monday, January 4, 2021

Baby Pate!

we have the cutest Baby Pate. 🎶


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lauren turns 10!!

Our sweet Lauren turned 10.

Happy Birthday my clever, helpful, beautiful girl! We love you so much. You make us smile every day!

Because of Covid, we really didn't have a party, so it was just us.  But we have some yummy pizza and cherry juice for lunch and for dinner we had one of Lauren's favorites Chicken Tacos and a Grandma Griffin Birthday Cake. 

Lauren loves her little sister and is constantly begging to hold her. 

Grandma and Grandpa gave Lauren a cool night light. 

Anna Rose pretending to be asleep. 

New Years Eve. We had one ground flower left over from 4th of July. So around 10:00 o'clock before Barry and I went to bed, Barry ran outside and lite it off. The kids watched from the window. Unfortunately, Barry lite it and promptly threw it behind the car, so we couldn't see it, but I'm sure it was awesome!! 😂

Cleaning up some slash piles on our land. We had some holes dug for septic. They are crazy deep. At least 10 feet. I was so nervous Owen was going to fall in one. Anna hated the noise of the chain saw, so we spend most of the time in the 'burban.


Christmas 2020