Sunday was James' Blessing Day. Both of our parents and Anthon came up for the special occasion. We wanted to invite the whole family, but our house is just too small to hold everyone, and it was supposed to be bad weather outside. James was very good the whole day, unfortunately he soiled his clothes right before he was blessed, so I don't have any pictures of him in his fancy duds with the relatives. After church we had dinner and a nice visit with everyone. Barry made a roast, and we had funeral potatoes, rolls, salad, and corn. After, we had cherry cheesecake Mmmm.
We feel so lucky to have James, he is a blessing in our lives everyday day.

Half of James' hair is long and half of it is short, the long half stands straight up.

Ellie holding James after dinner.

Grandpa with James

James and his Daddy on his blessing day 5/3/2009
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