Barry took an extra half-hour doing the chores yesterday, when he finally came in, I asked him what in the world had he been doing that whole time. He responded rather matter-of-factly "We'll I had to play with the baby sheep (raise of my eyebrow) they'll like me."
Who knew? ;)
I'm learning new things about the farm world every day.
Monday, February 22, 2010
New Arrivals
Barry was quite surprised when he went to feed the animals and we had two new baby sheep. We're weren't expecting any for another month. I thought it was rather random that both sheep would have their babies exactly a month early ..... we'll at least I thought that until Barry realized he had skipped September in his counting of months. SO though unexpected the little sheep seem to be doing well. The brown one is a male and is named Danny or Brownie, and the black one(yes with the white mother) is named Betsy or Spot or Belle, or whatever Ellie finally decides on, she is the Pate Family Farm Official Giver of Names.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentine's Day

Ellie making her V-day cookies

Happy Day!
We had a good Valentines Day. Barry brought me home some beautiful red roses on Friday, and some chocolates and Carmel's. He also gave Ellie some pink roses. She was ecstatic, more than ecstatic, she was bouncing off the walls. He also gave her some PINK Whoppers. She loved them.
It was very good of Barry especially since Ellie had spent the day decorating the house with Valentines for him. She sure loves her Daddy. It never occurred to her to make a Valentine for anyone else in the family, so Daddy received quite a few. She made Daddy an extra large cookie and wrote him a sweet note for his Valentine. She also made a Valentine for our home teacher that has taken quite a shine to Ellie. She personally delivered it with a bag of cookies.
I gave Barry one of our favorite movies Sweet Land, and a delicious apple pie. He and James cut up the apples for our pie, with our peeler slicer corer thing. James enjoyed trying to sneak bits of the peelings.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I'm in Love
I'm in love with a Cowboy. SHhhhh... don't tell Barry.
He's dark skin, dark eyed, and oh so handsome......
Perhaps I should keep his identity a secret.

but I just can't..............

Ahhh just look at him............

Couldn't be sweeter

Rumor has it,
If you're His girl,
By Night(and I mean MIDDLE of the night) he'll give you tight hugs and slobbery kisses, and
By Day he'll roam the countryside...

...and if you're lucky .....He may just ask you to go along.
He's dark skin, dark eyed, and oh so handsome......
Perhaps I should keep his identity a secret.

but I just can't..............

Ahhh just look at him............

Couldn't be sweeter

Rumor has it,
If you're His girl,
By Night(and I mean MIDDLE of the night) he'll give you tight hugs and slobbery kisses, and
By Day he'll roam the countryside...

...and if you're lucky .....He may just ask you to go along.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Summer & Motherhood Lesson #3953
Please can summer and winter trade places?
and then winter would only be three months long, and we'd be done with it already, and then the sun would be shining, and there would be grass and leaves and warmth....ahhhh. Can't you just feel it?
When we're independently wealthy we're moving to Arizona, ....don't try to stop me.
Motherhood Lesson #3953
Asking the Right Questions, and Picking your Battles.
The other day I was in the kitchen making orange rolls, when Ellie ran in the kitchen carrying one of my blown-glass-hand-painted turtles from Italy (Precious to me and irreplaceable due to my bank account). Before I could reprimand her for having it, the turtle some how fell out of her hands and went tumbling down to the tile floor. It broke. Poor Mr. Turtle is now decapitated. I walked over to Ellie and said perhaps a little loudly
"How could you? You broke my turtle, you weren't even supposed to ever touch."
Ellie vehemently denied breaking the turtle and was sent to the dreaded pink chair (time-out) to contemplate her honesty, after a couple of minutes I tried again, telling her I saw her break my turtle. She again denied breaking my turtle, she was very convincing, in fact if I haven't watched her do it, I wouldn't have doubted her. We tried this process a few times, finally it occurred to me maybe I should ask her HER version of how the turtle got broke.
The explanation was simple, "I was just holding it Mom, and then I dropped it, and the floor broke it, I didn't break it."
Argggggggggggggrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgahrhahrhghhhhhhhhh!!! (Pulling hair out)
Fast forward to later that afternoon.
James was tapping (really, very gently) a little Precious Moments figurine(Ellie's) on the window sill, when the oddest thing happened, the neck just cracked and the head fell off. Deciding to avoid a scene. I swiftly scooped it up, placed it on the kitchen counter with the head back on, with every intention of gluing it before Ellie noticed. It wasn't long before Ellie came into the kitchen and noticed her figurine on the counter, just as she was questioning me why it was there. I accidentally knocked the corner of a pan against the poor thing and the head came a tumbling off.
Ellie shrieked at me. "YOU broke it"
The first words out of my mouth, perhaps a little loud, were "NO I didn't!"
Then came Ellie with, "I saw you!!!"
....and then I started having all sorts of De ja vu, so I took a deep breath and decided it wasn't worth it. Told her sorry, gave her a kiss and told her I would have Daddy glue it later. (while he was gluing the Mr. Turtle.)
Days like this I wonder why I'm in this business, I'm no good at it, and I still have about a bazillion motherhood lessons to go.
So you might ask, why do I suddenly have time to blog today, we'll I've been sent to pink chair for yelling. Ellie says I have to sit here half-a-minute .....if I'm quiet.
Please can summer and winter trade places?
and then winter would only be three months long, and we'd be done with it already, and then the sun would be shining, and there would be grass and leaves and warmth....ahhhh. Can't you just feel it?
When we're independently wealthy we're moving to Arizona, ....don't try to stop me.
Motherhood Lesson #3953
Asking the Right Questions, and Picking your Battles.
The other day I was in the kitchen making orange rolls, when Ellie ran in the kitchen carrying one of my blown-glass-hand-painted turtles from Italy (Precious to me and irreplaceable due to my bank account). Before I could reprimand her for having it, the turtle some how fell out of her hands and went tumbling down to the tile floor. It broke. Poor Mr. Turtle is now decapitated. I walked over to Ellie and said perhaps a little loudly
"How could you? You broke my turtle, you weren't even supposed to ever touch."
Ellie vehemently denied breaking the turtle and was sent to the dreaded pink chair (time-out) to contemplate her honesty, after a couple of minutes I tried again, telling her I saw her break my turtle. She again denied breaking my turtle, she was very convincing, in fact if I haven't watched her do it, I wouldn't have doubted her. We tried this process a few times, finally it occurred to me maybe I should ask her HER version of how the turtle got broke.
The explanation was simple, "I was just holding it Mom, and then I dropped it, and the floor broke it, I didn't break it."
Argggggggggggggrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgahrhahrhghhhhhhhhh!!! (Pulling hair out)
Fast forward to later that afternoon.
James was tapping (really, very gently) a little Precious Moments figurine(Ellie's) on the window sill, when the oddest thing happened, the neck just cracked and the head fell off. Deciding to avoid a scene. I swiftly scooped it up, placed it on the kitchen counter with the head back on, with every intention of gluing it before Ellie noticed. It wasn't long before Ellie came into the kitchen and noticed her figurine on the counter, just as she was questioning me why it was there. I accidentally knocked the corner of a pan against the poor thing and the head came a tumbling off.
Ellie shrieked at me. "YOU broke it"
The first words out of my mouth, perhaps a little loud, were "NO I didn't!"
Then came Ellie with, "I saw you!!!"
....and then I started having all sorts of De ja vu, so I took a deep breath and decided it wasn't worth it. Told her sorry, gave her a kiss and told her I would have Daddy glue it later. (while he was gluing the Mr. Turtle.)
Days like this I wonder why I'm in this business, I'm no good at it, and I still have about a bazillion motherhood lessons to go.
So you might ask, why do I suddenly have time to blog today, we'll I've been sent to pink chair for yelling. Ellie says I have to sit here half-a-minute .....if I'm quiet.
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