Barry was quite surprised when he went to feed the animals and we had two new baby sheep. We're weren't expecting any for another month. I thought it was rather random that both sheep would have their babies exactly a month early ..... we'll at least I thought that until Barry realized he had skipped September in his counting of months. SO though unexpected the little sheep seem to be doing well. The brown one is a male and is named Danny or Brownie, and the black one(yes with the white mother) is named Betsy or Spot or Belle, or whatever Ellie finally decides on, she is the Pate Family Farm Official Giver of Names.
Oh, the new babies are adorable but that brown mama ewe is beautiful! Guess I haven't seen her yet. I was thinking your sheep had the curley horns, so do you have two rams and two ewes and now two lambs? And the round white circle on the brown mama's ear is a tag of some kind?
The brown ewe is actually rather a rusty cinnamon color. Much in demand right now for weavers. Her lamb should be the same color, which we're quite happy about. Only the ram has the curly horns. The sheep are shy, which is probably why you didn't notice them. The goats enjoy attention.
Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.
-Theodore Roosevelt
Oh, the new babies are adorable but that brown mama ewe is beautiful! Guess I haven't seen her yet. I was thinking your sheep had the curley horns, so do you have two rams and two ewes and now two lambs? And the round white circle on the brown mama's ear is a tag of some kind?
The brown ewe is actually rather a rusty cinnamon color. Much in demand right now for weavers. Her lamb should be the same color, which we're quite happy about. Only the ram has the curly horns. The sheep are shy, which is probably why you didn't notice them. The goats enjoy attention.
Congrats on the new arrivals!
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