This morning I woke up to a smell, a smell soo strong it almost burned the little hairs in my nose. The smell was permeating the whole of our house, no room had escaped, even my clothes shut tightly in my closet I'm sure will smell of this smell. Now this smell is not offensive in itself, but in it's intensity.
Something had to done, so I began a search of the area for possible smell offenders

Nope.(More of a dirty sock smell)


Not here either.


NOPE not in here, but YES I do know what you're thinking, we'll get to that later...

Hmm the smell seems to be really strong over's becoming hard to tell

Mmmmm Nope. (Psss... the emptiness of the fridge is for dramatization purposes only)

Hmmm Nope. .......Wait!! Go back, I think I saw something....

Got ya!!!!! YES I was almost fooled by a clever disguise, but I still see you for what you are. The fattest, the most gigantic hickory smoked summer sausage in the world. Just sitting in my fridge open, open to the air, open to the to the neighborhood. .......ahh and there is more than one. AHHHhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, ... so now back to what you were thinking. Actually, the point of my blog WAS to show you the pictures of my clean house. These are the parts I recently reclaimed from the roving gang that literally destroys my house and my sanity each weekend.(Un-reclaimed parts not pictured)
I have asked them to stop picking on me, and to go elsewhere for their destruction, but they always have ridiculous excuses like "This is OUR house too, and WE live here, and blah blah blah blah blah.
So for my sake I have taken some photos to soothe my soul, and so later I can relive the memories
I've titled this picture "Ferociously Happy".
Miss Eleanor is Ferociously happy after fun but belligerent play with friends.
p.s. Miss Eleanor is a highly active member of the roving gang.
Sausage is very high in cholesterol but I am surprised to see it camophlauged(sic?)! Weird. // Your house does look very CLEAN! When you come to my house, I will entertain the youngins and you could make my house look like that too! We will take pictures and I will hang them on my fridge.
Yes the camouflage is the sausages' "clever disguise". I mean the person behind the design was very clever, just think you can take camouflaged sausage camping in bear country with no worries, the bears won't even know it's there. It's truly brilliant.
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