My picture rule is not to take pictures without somebody in them, but I was just awed by this siberian tiger, the biggest cat in the world, it came real close to us, and it was so big and furry and scary looking............

Most endangered cat in the world.

Their mouths were open because they wanted the mommy bird to feed them. I did eventually, we went to Panda Express. I recommend their orange chicken. Mmmmm.

Ellie and her cousin Hannah, at the American West Heritage Center.

Before I met Barry he volunterred at the AWHC and they wanted him to build a cabin. So he began, all by himself and it was very hard work. One hot day he found out everyone else there (the people just sitting around), were all getting paid to work. So he quit. Here stands the cabin that Barry built .....well started to build.
Hey at least I know he can do it, and the one thing I made Barry promise me before we got married was that he'd build me a cabin in the mountains. (A finished cabin.)
We took a quick trip to Bear Lake last week. Ellie and Natalie spent most of the time out in the lake and I couldn't get a good pictures of them, but James loved the sand and the seagulls.