On the way there, we got out of the car because Ellie puked. It's always good to get some fresh air after that. I believe this picture is .........in the middle of nowhere.

James tired and dirty

Ellie going crazy

Seriously crazy

Camping lite. Barry thought we didn't even need ketchup for the dogs. I insisted. We had no plates or anything. I didn't pay much attention to the packing of the camping stuff because I planned the whole time to talk Barry out of camping and stay at a motel somewhere along the way. I lost out, due to shear lack of effort due to intense car sickness. Things were okay though, and I got to try out our brand-b-new tent. It arrived in the mail last week. Barry said it was hand sewn just for us.(big yea) The other campers thought it was a Tee-pee.

James rejecting snacks. Pretty sad day.

James puzzled. After yelling STOP DAD! STOP over and over, Dad would just keep on driving, and driving and driving. (Can you tell I don't travel well)

A smile from my boy.

Kids going crazy.

Last half and hour I pulled out all the stops, and broke out the suckers. They were a lifesaver. Truly.

My favorite picture from our adventure. I love my sweet family.
I want this picture on my piano! Please print one up for me at wal mart or somewhere. I will pay you $10 for a 5 X 7 or a 8 X 10
These pictures are really cute! But I turned my blog to private, so if you could send me your email, my address is kellagarr@gmail.com
Thanks so much!!
Never mind about the picture, I've already got it. Thanks Amy!
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