Ellie and I decided to take heart-shaped sugar cookies to our friends and neighbors this year for Valentines Day. Ellie wanted them pink, I couldn't agree more.
There are few things as good as a pink frosted heart-shaped sugar cookie.
Unfortunately, James ended up getting sick with a runny nose and cough and had to be banned from the kitchen, and sadly before I even got the dough rolled out, Ellie had developed a bad cough too. So I banned her as well. She begged me to let her help, so in a quarantined area I let her shape and reshape her very own cookie to cook and frost and eat herself.
After rolling out the dough, I remembered something, something I remember once a year, every year when I make heart-shaped Valentines cookies.
I don't have a heart-shaped cookie cutter.
Mmmm, should I go borrow the neighbor's -for the third year in a row, each year always promising to by my own....
I decided against it. I decided to use a biscuit cutter and shape the hearts myself. A bit time consuming, but it worked
After baking the cookies and making some delicious(too delicious) pink cream cheese frosting. I frosted one cookie and gave it to Barry, then I went to bed, planning to frost the rest of the cookies in the morning.
The next afternoon as I pulled out the frosting from the fridge to frost the cookies, I quickly noticed a THIRD of the frosting was missing, along with some cookies.
My temper flared up, I admit it. Okay, it did more than flare up, it might have been a raging fire.
Didn't I share a cookie with Barry??? Didn't I tell him how tedious it was cutting out each and every cookie, at the same time trying to keep the kids out of the kitchen. Didn't I explain that I was giving the cookies away as a Valentines gifts?? Did he really need to thoughtless steal my cookies that were such hard work and eat a huge portion of my frosting that I had no more of?
After a while I decided not to say anything.
Then I did.
But I was nice about it, and remained very calm.
He claimed sheepishly that he ate only a couple of cookie and a little frosting.
I could've frosted 12 cookies with the amount of frosting he ate...
I still remained calm and asked him nicely to consult me first the next time he thoughtlessly decides to eat something that I worked hard on and obviously wouldn't want him to eat a huge amount of and...
anyways he was thoroughly chastised
I made plate after plate of sugar cookies. Some for Ellie's friends, some for my friends, even some for Barry's home teaching family.
Feeling like he couldn't refuse, Barry agreed to watch a screaming Lauren and two sick kids while I went out and delivered the cookies and the Valentines Ellie had made.
A bit guiltily I left.
After my deliveries, there remained only 5 cookies, and no frosting.
I put the cookies up and went to bed, letting Barry to deal with the sick kids.
At lunch the next day I discovered a small amount of cream cheese in the fridge.
Happy, I quickly made up more frosting. Putting a thick layer of frosting on each of the remaining cookies, I made up my last plate of cookies to deliver.
After dinner, I kindly asked Barry if he'd watch the kids just one more time while I delivered the last plate of cookies. He agreed with a sigh, he didn't want to, I could tell, but he agreed.
I walked into the kitchen, grabbed the last plate of cookies and a Valentine I had made, went back in the living room, and placed them on Barry's lap.
"Happy Valentines, I love you," I said.
His face broke into a huge priceless smile.
"I love you too," he said. ....and I could tell he meant it.
Happy Valentines Day, my blog readers. May you make and enjoy your own heart shaped cookies.
1 comment:
Husbands: can't live with them but we certainly couldn't be happy without them! The other little baby you have that will never grow up :P. Glad you are such a sweetie, there needs to be at least 1 in a marriage!
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