Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm Back...........

Someone told me, they didn't like reading what I wrote on my blog, so much as just looking at the pictures of my cute chillins. So I pretty much stopped(I said, pretty much) with my weird posts.

But after a long and thoughtful review of my blog for publication purposes, I have decided, weird posts are much more fun. So watch out blog readers, you're in for it!

Well you will be soon......

Because editing my blog to make it into a little book is going to take up wayyyyy too much of my precious time, I won't have time to blog, ;( please don't cry.

Dry those tears because during my selection, review, and editing process I will post links to old posts for your reading enjoyment.

Here you go, a flash from the past.....
click here

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pictures of Cuteness

So my camera died, and all I have is my phone camera. So I know a lot of these are out of focus.

What's in YOUR closet? (look close)

Lauren slightly disgruntled with the photo shoot

Lauren slightly more disgruntled.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Have I got some adorable pictures.....

These are not it...............

These are "Why me?" pictures

Everyday without fail James sneaks in my closet and tightens my shoelaces, so I can't put my foot in my shoe. GRrrrrrr
I have no idea why he does this, but due to his dedication to the act, I believe he must find some inner glee in doing it.

Barry's sympathy for my foot included and was limited to "How in the world did you hurt THAT toe?"

I am working on uploading a plethora of adorable pictures, check back soon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweet Dreams

At bedtime I found this little munchkin in my bed taking up my spot.

The Brazen Raisin Thief

Sex: Male
Age: Early Twos
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Dark Chocolate
Clothing: N/A

Here are some surveillance photos taken from the scene of the crime.

Please call with any information.

Suspect was last seen with:

Friday, April 15, 2011

For Fun

I just love the expression on the people's faces.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ellie taught our FHE lesson this week, she even made handouts.

It was on No Stealing, she did a good job, definitely takes after her Father.

One baby burrito coming up......

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Blessing of Lauren Noelle

Undoubtedly the greatest comfort and blessing in my life is my knowledge of the plan of salvation. That I have a Father in Heaven who knows me, who cares for ME, who cares for us all. And because of that love He has provided a way for us to return to Him. A plan in which I CAN have my family forever, that my family can be eternal.

I am so grateful for my Savior, my elder brother Jesus Christ, who atoned for my sins, my weaknesses, my shortcoming. Who is willing to make up the difference where I fall short.

The happiness, I feel in having a husband who is a worthy priesthood holder who can help bless and care for the dear sweet babies that Heavenly Father has entrusted us with is immeasurable.

Being a mother is by far the hardest things I've ever done, but it has brought more joy in my life than I could have ever comprehended and is the closest I have ever come to heaven in this life.

I am so very grateful and eternally indepted to my Heavenly Father for all of my many many blessings.

Lauren Noelle Pate was blessed by her father March 6th 2011.

p.s. No that is not her blessing dress, It's a dress Barry's Grandma made long ago.
Isn't it beautiful?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Went to a Wedding Reception

...............still hanging on.