Memorial Day was the best yet.
James is such a talker now and says the funniest things .....and I mean the funniest.

On the Saturday before Memorial Day, I went to the DI and bought Ellie a smaller bike for 5 bucks. She wasn't nearly as scared when she could put her feet on the ground and picked up riding without the training wheels all in about an hour. Now she is a pro, and we go on rides every morning, her on her bike and me on my blades pushing the double stroller. I think we provide the daily entertainment for the whole block ...but hey it's good exercise. :)

Barry reduced the size of our garden, tiled it and planted grass seed.
Lauren's fist piggys.

smores, smores
Ellie's missing tooth.
My sister and her husband went camping with us. We went up by Stanley and camped at Alturis Lake. It was beautiful. The water was gorgeous, crystal clear and freezing!
Ellie's favorite part of the trip was stopping at Red Fish Lodge and getting ice cream. It was certainly an adventure.

Our cow Sueky was in labor when we got back from Red Fish Lake. We were lucky to be there, because she needed some help. Barry pulled and pulled, and I evened helped a little when Barry was all worn out. Baby and Mom are doing well. The calf is huge for a miniature cow, more the size of a regular calf, no wonder the mom needed a bit of help.
Next up, swim lessons for the kids, 4th of July fun, and Natalie's upcoming visit. :)
p.s. I FINALLY got my laptop working again, so maybe I can get a few more post in now and then.
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