Her tummy bothered her all the time. She had horrible difficulty with bowel movements, and intense episodes of stomach pain. She refused to eat anything for days. She would also suddenly cry out and drop to the floor in agony. That would last about 20 seconds and then she would be back to herself again.
We knew something was very wrong. I took her into the doctor and they diagnosed it as severe constipation. Even though, that is something she struggles with, we did not feel good about that diagnosis. Barry took her into a different doctor the next day. After a very long day, it was discovered she had a condition called intussusception, which is the inversion of one portion of the intestine within another. There are serious complications associated with this condition and it can be fatal if it's not diagnosed in enough time. (I didn't even know about this problem, and it's not that uncommon in babies. So please watch for this symptoms in your babies(up to 2) and if you even suspect, take them in, it could say their life.)
Poor Emma.
After a horrible ordeal of the nurses trying to put an IV in her for two hours. She was taken in an ambulance to a larger hospital two hours away. I rode in the ambulance with her and held her hand the entire time. Barry drove our car up to meet us. By then, it was getting very late.
When we got to the bigger hospital, they tried a risky procedure(air enema) to reverse the condition. It was unsuccessful. The doctors agreed to retry the procedure in the morning, and if unsuccessful, take her into surgery. We prayed and prayed that she would be okay. In my prayers I felt very strongly that the procedures would not work and that she would have to have surgery. I was not pleased with that answer at the time, but I know now that it was for the best.
She had laparoscopy surgery the next morning. It was so very hard for us to let her go and trust those nurses and doctors with our sweet baby's life. She was soo incredibly patient throughout the whole ordeal, even though she was miserable. It was heartbreaking how sweet she was. The nurses remarked several times on how healthy and big she was. One nurse said something about her being so fluffy. Only once, after a long day did Emma lose it a little and try to punch the nurse. :)
The surgery went very well, the Surgeon was able to reverse the problem, and none of her intestine(where the problem was) appeared damaged. This is very rare for someone who had the issue as long as she did. We consider it a miracle. Her appendix did appear inflamed and a bit swollen, so it was removed to prevent future issues.
We were so very grateful to the Surgeon and nurses who helped us. We were also very grateful to friends and family who watched our other children as Barry and I both stayed in the hospital with our little Emmie as she recovered.
My sweet Emma.

On the way to the ambulance. Whenever Emmie was moved she had to ride on a stretcher. Because she wasn't allowed to ride alone, I always had to get on and hold her. She rode in her carseat on a stretcher in the ambulance.
This is her hospital bed.
Before surgery. I just wanted to hold her. :'( I am so glad I thought to bring her baby blanket(she has several, but this one is by far her favorite, it was MY baby blanket as a baby. It was a huge comfort to her, and still is.
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After Surgery. Emmie had a bad reaction to the anesthetic, It made her face swell and itch. She gots lots and lots of Benadryl. As soon as it would start wearing off, she would start itching again. |
First smile in a long long time. Emmie playing with my contact case provided by the hospital. I didn't even want to know how much that thing cost us, but I hope it lasts forever.

ON the road to recovery............ :)
Getting some (normal) color back in her cheeks.
Facetiming Grandma and Grandpa and siblings on the IPAD.
Emmie and I went to the ICU play room while Daddy took a nap. She had lots of fun there. I loved that the toys were all very clean and organized. I spent the whole time keeping her IV and moniters attached while she crawled and explored. We made many trips around the ICU while we were there. At first, I had to push her in little pink car, but as she got feeling better she could move herself. It made her soo happy. She said "HI" to the nurses and doctors as she passed them.
First food in more than a week. She had a bottle of milk too. She was soo grateful.

Barry went out and bought her this balloon from the hospital gift shop. If you know Barry, that little expensive gesture speaks VOLUMES on his love for this little girl.
We love you EM and we are SOO GLAD you are feeling better!
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