Friday, October 23, 2015




Just Kidding!

I've been feeling pretty blue this week, so I picked out a place I wanted to visit.(Not Hawaii ;) )
Our Destination was Ritter Island, which is a State Park around here. You can hike around, swim(if your a polar bear) and watch birds. :) The island was closed. So we just explored around the area.

 It was very misty in front of the waterfall. My phone camera was having trouble. Emma kept saying "Oh WOW! Oh WOW! Look!" She was about as far away as in the picture by the gate, when she began picking up rocks off the path and looking towards the waterfall and trying as hard as she could to throw them in. It was quite funny.

 We went on a crazy hike. There were blue dots (on rocks and trees) marking the trail. The kids ran up the whole mountain without complaint following those lovely blue dots. (I plan to put blue dots on everything, I want them to do from now on). I MADE them turn around eventually, because it was getting dark and we had come a long ways.
(This picture is about half way up. You can see our car in the parking lot in the top right of the picture.)

 The water is crystal clear here. It is very beautiful!
 Trying to get to the waterfall.

 Back in time for homework!(not really)
This is James' taking his spelling test. He chose the word(s) Red Rattlesnake for his bonus word this week. Jolly Bee! He got it right!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"The Scoop!" and Maze

Top left: Lauren drew a picture of me and her. (The pink things are my cheeks). I love my little body. Make's me smile. She said, "Mom! I finally figured out how to draw noses!" :)  :)
Top Right: James drew this one for me. I don't think it has any meaning whatsoever. :)

 THIS is "The Scoop!" I somehow won a free trial subscription to a local newspaper..
It is such a joy to read! It makes me laugh.  I doubt Ellie has ever read, or even looked at a newspaper, but she's got the newspaper business down!
Here are a couple of samples of the paper. Sorry they are soo crinkled, they come rolled up and delivered.

 See! The Magic Show!
The Ag Club- which Barry is the advisor of, is in charge of the CSI corn maze for a few days each year. We try to always attend and support them .... and visit Daddy.


 Some were more excited about the CORN, than the maze!

A birdy sneak peak.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Magic Show

 I am DONE with canning this year. More tomato sauce and grape jelly. Yum Yum! Barry did these ones. 
Also, this is Rainbow Lightning! A new addition to our family. Grandpa Stuart bought this pony for Lauren and she LOVES IT, she carries it EVERYWHERE with her. Sadly, on the way home from Grandma's house, Rainbow Lightning, unwisely flew out the window! On the divided highway!!!!  We had to backtrack about 8 miles and with a lot of little heartfelt prayers from Lauren and her compassionate siblings we were able to locate Rainbow Lighting, napping on the road. Fortunately, I was able to carefully snatch her up without getting ran over myself.

 What to do with pretzel dough that you accidently put the egg in the dough instead of brushing it on top??? Add some cinnamon and raisens and bake the sucker. I think it's rather fitting for Idaho. Looking like an overgrown potato, but tasting delicious. The soft pretzels(second batch) were yummy too!

The kids put on the cutest magic show for me this morning. I read about the event in "The Scoop". The show was held conveniently during school hours ...but I let it slide. Emma and I attended. It was the best magic show I have ever been too.

First James told the audience he was going to balance TWO balls on top of each other. (We were very impressed)

I started to chuckle when he brought out the balls.


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 Look! a box with a piece of wood in it. I watched as Ellie tied a string around the box. Both of them promised not to untie the string or take it off the box. Wal La! the piece of wood was gone! (I'm pretty sure there was a box switcheroo in there somewhere, but it was a great trick!

 My absolute favorite trick. Ellie turned an ordinary girl, into a MERMAID! First Lauren came out and talked to me a little, and turned around so I could indeed see she was an ordinary girl. Then after some clever planned distraction by James and a suspiciously long time behind the curtain. Wal La! A mermaid!! She had to be carried back to the stage, because as everyone knows Mermaids cannot walk. :)

  Later in the show the mermaid was turned into a MERMAID PRINCESS.  ...with a quick addition of a crown.
Emmie (aka brownie face) also enjoyed the show.

Come back for tomorrow's post. "The Scoop" and the Corn maze!

p.s. Sorry the pictures are so blurry, my camera battery is dead, and someone got cooking spray on my phone. :P

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

At Our Place

Click here At Our Place for a Golden Oldie.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Summer Fun!

 Emma's first spelling test. How do you spell TROUBLE? :)
 She's usually a lefty.

Ok, these pictures are going back in time from September to April ish. These are the last of the pictures off my phone(Sorry). Then I'll return to regular updates.
 Ellie's 10th birthday at the FAIR pictures.
 This is crazy ride that takes you up a tower and just drops. I could not believe Ellie dared go on it. As you can see not many other people did.

 The kids brush the SAME cow every year. :)
 a picture with the draft horses. Ellie was afraid it was going to nibble her ear. Barry's co-worker owns a team of these horses and uses them on his farm and to teach equine science.
 THIS is a dangerous one ........fur sure.
 Lots of peaches canned. This is all I did in one day. I was pretty proud of myself. The rest of the kitchen(disaster) is conveniently not pictured.
 Ellie's new glasses. Cute girl.
 Mr Weasel from Weaseltown. Barry and I saw this weasel at the Bear River Bird Refuge. One of our favorite places in this world.
 I love this blurry shot of Ellie, I find her like this ALOT. She loves to read.
 Barry's and my date night. We ARE getting old.
 Barry's new office!
Emma with her dolls(babies) before bed.

Summer Family Reunion to LAVA HOT Springs.


Lava's Sunken Garden.

Natalie helped me make my first piggy's(with short hair) before we went to Willard Bay.
Emma loves the kitty.
My little OWLS. This was at the Nature Center in Boise. Cool place.
Waiting to swim in the hotel pool in Boise. Natalie and I raced across the pool, many times.
Eating Mom's homemade granola bars at a park in Boise. I dared the kids to feed the geese.  They were a little intense. NOBODY would do it. I even doubled dared Natalie ....chickened out.
Under the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls. This is the first time we went, we got ran out by mosquitos.
Yoda Ellie.
Emma dramatically finishing her piano piece.
Out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, the kids were very well behaved.
Celebrating Daddy's new job as Department Head.
In the Car, waiting to go down to Grandma's

Chopped my hair off and thinned it out. Soo much easier.

Kindergarten field trip to the fire station.

a little scratch on the head.

opps went a little too far back. :).....
James' first fish he caught in the Snake River.