Wednesday, December 30, 2015

 One munchkin sitting on the ledge.

 *Blurry picture courtesy of Amy. ;)
*beautiful purple hat courtesy of Mom, made by Amy.

Yes Baby, you can come  home with me.

 AND .... I will give you FOOD.

Lauren's birthday swim.

 Rainbow cupcakes after Lauren's birthday swim. I was feeling very sick by this time, so Grandpa Stuart kindly finished off frosting the cupcakes for me.
 My beautiful 5 year old!

 Make a wish!

 My good friend just had twin baby boys. I made her a couple of baby quilts. I was very happy to get them done and out of the house, because I had begun feeling so very sick, it made me nauseated to even look at them. :P

That's the end of catch up photos. Now we can return to our regular blog posting.

In the past we noticed some evidence of a beaver on our land. I truly thought though that it had gone away long ago, but the last time Barry and I were there, we noticed lots of fresh beaver chewing.
I am soo excited to hopefully catch a glimpse of our little friend. We're going to go this evening with my camera and see what we can see. :)

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