Wednesday, May 11, 2016

No worries

Today, as Barry was walking out the door to work, I burst into tears. He came back inside, and sat me down on the couch.
I continued to cry, as he put his arm around me and asked what was wrong.

James, happily munching on a bagel in the kitchen, over hearing our conversation, calls out, unconcerned,

"Don't worry about it Dad, she does this all the time when you're at work. She'll be done in a minute."

I looked up at Barry through my tears, and he was desperately trying not to smile.

It was just so absurb, I started to laugh. ....and laugh and laugh.

Barry and James preceded to have a conversation about how crazy pregnant woman are.

...and they were absolutely right. ;)

I am feeling much better now. :D
...until tomorrow then. ;D

1 comment:

The Pugsleys said...

Oh the hormones 😉 Glad you get better after a while!