Sea World was AWESOME. They charged us 20$ to park. That was NOT Awesome!
I really enjoyed it. I was starting to feel much better as my poor head adjusted to being at Sea Level.
(IT didn't actually even rain on us that I remember. It was just cold in the morning and when you got wet. Brrrrrr)

The kid's loved the rides. Barry, James, Ellie and Lauren all rode on the scariest roller coaster ever. The Manta Ray. It's not the huge one, but they all said it was much scarier and Barry said he was terrified. They did go on the brand-new huge really tall roller coaster that goes upside down, but they said that one was much less scary. I did go on one ride with the kids and I got absolutely soaked. It was a water-ride but I was doing find avoiding most of the splashes until at the end the silly ride dumped a bucket of water over my head. The kid's thought that was pretty funny and requested Daddy go on it with them next. ;D Emma was just tall enough for most of the rides and she even went on a really tall water roller-coaster. She accompanied me on the water raft ride (like the old Log Flume ride at Lagoon) and halfway through she was screaming bloody murder that she wanted to get-off. THAT was the last ride she went on. Crazy kid.
The Killer Whale Show was my favorite and Barry's too. They are so incredible to watch. I was afraid because I read that the trainer's were performing with them anymore that the show wouldn't be as cool as I remembered, but it was AWESOME!
(They just don't get in the water with the whales anymore)
THEN my phone died....
and that is IT for pictures of Sea World.
Owen loved the Sea Lions. He could've cared less about the Orca's and the dolphins, but the Sea Lions he would've brought home with him if he could have. :D
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