Barry worked really hard all year long to train for the race. He got 35th out of more than 1700 people. He also got 6th in his age group. He did an incredible job and we were SUPER proud of him!
Owen re-fueled himself with Barry's chocolate milk.

Sprint to the FINISH!
yeah the pictures are not in order. Swim first.
1.5K swim in the Snake River and a 40K bike ride and 10K run in the beautiful countryside
He's somewhere out there? Can you almost hear us cheering. :D
Ah there he IS

Pate Family Reunion********************************************************
Grandma Pate rented one of those HUGE blowup water slides for the kids to play on. They played and played and played. We ate dutch oven lasagna, salad and garlic bread. Then there was an outdoor huge blowup movie screen out on the lawn for the kid's to enjoy a midnight movie. Lots of people pitched tents on the lawn and slept out under the stars. We took a quick trip to Brigham with the younger kids and visited Grandpa Stuart for his Birthday. :D Much better than feeding the mosquitoes all night. :P
Aspen took a tumble off the slide head first into the mud. Don't worry Grandma hosed her off with ice cold hose water. I bet she'll never forget THAT!
Grandpa named his cinnamon turtle Cimeon. Then he ate him.
Love this picture. Love my kid's and Barry.
Much needed yard work towards a much needed fence.
We spent many many fun happy hours at the Filer Pool this summer. My kid's all made tons of progress in swimming. James passed the deep-end swim test and Lauren will pass for sure next year.
First Hair cute. He did awesome! IT didn't turn out the best.... but he didn't really hold still for more than a second.
Tried to stub my toes into oblivion again. ...
Barry's last day as Department Chair. His office is so empty. We will miss visiting him in the Evergreen Building. He has worked in the same building for the last 10 years. He did an incredible job and we know he'll do a great job as DEAN,
Our annual hike up the mountain. Sorry I don't have a clue if i already posted these pictures. It was a beautiful Day. Later we went to the Bird Refuge and the Griffin Family Reunion.
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