The kid's have been working on their typing. I get to send fun screen shots to their teacher of their improvement.
A shot in the dark: Didn't want to turn on the light and disturb Owen who was sleeping on my bed, so I gave myself a shot within checking to make sure it wasn't in a vein. HAHAH! I hit that vein right on. Couldn't have picked a worse place. It was very unhappy for a few days.
Decided to take the plunge and have Lauren and James have their tonsils and adenoids out. They both have severe sleep apnea. We are hoping that this will really help them.
Early Morning at the surgery center. Everything is better if you can have your best bud with you.
Talking each other through getting an IV.
IN recovery, Barry and I were not allowed to be in the same room, so we kept switching rooms. It was sweet how Lauren and James both kept asking us to check on the other one to see how they were doing. Lauren was awfully loopy, her eyes simply refused to focus and she saw 4 of everything for about 20 minutes. James was pretty confused waking up, but he snapped out of it quicker.
All DONE! headed home. James was like some crazy expert with the wheel chair and didn't want to be pushed. Lauren was happy for a ride.

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