If you don't like complaining .... then don't read this. I just need to vent. Okay, here it goes, I AM TIRED. I have been super tired for almost a year now. If I could only just go to sleep at night and not wake up until the morning, wouldn't that be heaven? Ha! I know it would be, and I haven't done that since college, and that was only once, and that was because of some lovely medicine (putting my hand through a window wasn't lovely, but the sleep medicine they gave me was). Why? Why would I have children who don't need sleep, when I love sleep so much? Ellie has NEVER taken naps, and I'm sure she never will, and when she's asleep at night she grinds her teeth so loud it could wake the dead. So even if James did sleep, I still couldn't. James, since he was born takes what I like to refer to as 'quickies', 10 or 15 minute max cat naps and he's ready to play again. He is also the lightest sleeper on the planet. So the house must shut down when he's taking his quickies. Because of this sleep deprivation I have in the last couple of months taken a Tylenol three days in a row, thinking I was taking my vitamin. Forgot James' name for a good three minutes. Put several items in the fridge that certainly didn't need refrigeration. Found myself with my hand reaching up to the light switch in Relief Society, thinking it would be so much nicer to sleep with it off.(I'm glad I caught myself on that one, it would have been hard to explain) Ran into walls in my house. Got into the bath tub with my clothes on.(Luckily I didn't sit down.) Walked out of the house all ready, except for no pants,(nobody saw me.) Lost the ability to keep my house clean, exercise regularly, or even get out of my PJ's. Forgotten to pay several bills on time and a dozens of other things I probably could remember if I wasn't so tired.....Zzzzzzzzz.
Of course on the other hand James is the sweetest kid in the whole world, and I wouldn't trade Ellie for anything, not even sleep. So life goes on, and it will be all the better for I have two beautiful children who don't need sleep, they'll be able to accomplish so much with they're lives, .....all that extra time. I just hope they'll be able to forgive there ornery, ungrateful Mom.
I'm sorry! I've been "dreaming" about sleep lately but you have me beat. Hope things get better!
The blog is looking great.
I am so sorry you are so tired. Those first couple of months with a new born are Crazy. I remember thinking I was never going to see my bed again. Only the floor of the baby's room.
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