(James was there too overseeing everything. )

This year we went to a fabulous Halloween party (which we shall lobby to be a yearly tradition) hosted by my brother and sister-in-law(who was sadly sick, so didn't make an appearance). The decorations were awesome, best I've every seen.(sorry didn't get more pics) We had soup and homemade bread and rolls. Yum! There was lasagna and cheese ball, sherbet drink, and these yummy chocolate pretzel things that you definitely shouldn't eat more than four of in one sitting. ;(
My two nephews looked so cute dressed at Mario and Luigi, and since Ellie wanted to be a princess she was Princess Peach. My Mom dressed up as Toadstool, my Dad was a mad scientist, and my sister was a shadow. My older brother was a convincing Frankenstein's monster, and my sister-in-law was a scary dead person.
The next day Ellie went trunk-or-treating with her other cousins. I'm afraid she left them all in the dust, but it was her first time and she was really enjoying herself.
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