I remember back when Barry and I were going through premarital counseling. Our counselor lady gave us a series of personality tests to see if we were compatible ....or something.
One of the tests was on love. How we show it, how we receive it, that sort of thing.
I remember several questions on how, as an individual, we showed our love. Whether it was through vocalizing, touch, gifts, or service for the person. Apparently, people basically fall *mainly* into one, maybe two of these categories in how they show and interpret love.
So, if you're the type of person that says I love you by going to work each days without complaint, your not going to get on too well with a person who NEEDS to hear those words to feel loved. Of course if you're willing to make some adjustments for your partner, things can still get on splendidly.
Knowing Barry, I arranged my answers to match his, "vocal".
Bingo! We were a match.
Saying "I love you" was enough for him, so It was enough for me too. I wasn't one of those shallow people that needed roses, chocolates, a beautiful bracelet or a weekend away to know that I was loved.
........Okay, okay, so I WAS one of those people, ..........OKAY! so I AM one of those people, and now I have found some support for my shallow wanting of gifts. God gives us gifts to show his love for us. The gift of the Holy Ghost, The Atonement. Hah! God, He's is the lest shallow of us all, and He's on my side.
My lesson this week in Young Women's was on Spiritual Gifts, perhaps because of my love of gifts -a topic I have always found fascinating. Christmas is a wonderful time for many reasons. I can admit it now though, I love the gifts, and not just giving them either. I love the excitement of wondering what they could be, who they're for, etc.
Because of my lesson on Spiritual Gifts I spent a little time researching the topic. I was enlightened by what I learned.
-Everyone who has received the Holy Ghost has also been given at least one spiritual gift. These gifts are intangible and work directly through the spirit.
-Through prayer and reflection, it is our responsibility to find out what our individual gift(s) are and to develop them.
Do you know what your gifts are?
Have you asked?
Don't you want to know? I do!!, ....I need all the help I can get in this life, and besides it helps me feel special and loved. (hint, hint) :)
I know, I know, you're wondering where I'm going with all this, we'll this Christmas I figured out one of my gifts and it was an amazing experience.
I have been curious over certain special experiences I've had over the past couple of years. I finally went to the Lord in prayer and asked Him specially about these experiences,
I was given the words "
they (meaning these experiences)
are to help me work out my eternal salvation."
Wow! I have never received an answer like that to a prayer, it was very direct, and immediate. I didn't know what the words meant exactly, but I pondered over them.
Weeks later, one Sunday as I was reading my patriarchal blessing, I read the words,
"You have been given many spiritual gifts and these gifts are given
to you to help you work out your eternal salvation.
My heart soared. I have found a gift. A special gift, a personal gift for ME from my Heavenly Father.
So why am I sharing this with you? Because the joy I have felt in finding this gift I want to share.
Seek out, find your own gifts, don't leave them forgotten, they are for you from a Heavenly Father who loves you and wants to help you by giving you a very personal gift that will never wear-out, break or ruin, but that will help you become a stronger, better, more amazing person. Now what could be better than that?
Find them.