For Barry's birthday I made him a delicious Blueberry Pie,
Yes, I know you may be reading this and thinking "Hey, I didn't get any pie, I was served a slightly dense, slightly spongy piece of carrot cake with zingy lemon frosting."
I know.
Barry didn't want to share his birthday pie, and at 4$ a pint for blueberries I didn't really want him to share either.
So here is your "piece of the pie".
Rather late Sunday night I consumed a piece of the pie. It was delicious, it really was. I've never had blueberry pie before, and now I think it's my favorite, but on to "your piece"....
After consuming my large piece of pie I went to bed and I slept, soundly.
Hands down, best that I've slept in 10 years. It was wonderful, it wasn't that I didn't wake up. I was up with James 4 times, but when I was sleeping it was so restful, I didn't even mind getting up. Barry had a similar experience.
What could it be, but the blueberries?
In an effort to replicate the results (purely experimental) I ate another piece the next night, ...again I slept soundly, not AS soundly, but it wasn't as big of a piece. ;)
So after this thorough study and intestigation I have concluded
Blueberry Pie = Good Nights' Sleep.
Now how's that, for your "piece of the pie?"
Now during my good nights sleep, I've been dreaming and this is what I've been dreaming of.....

Yes, I want one badly. I've wanted one for years. Barry thinks I wouldn't use it. I know I would (isn't that how it always works, besides you'd think he'd want his wife to work out and get those tight buns).
Anyway I'm saving my pennies, and this is my year ...Beg, Borrow, or Steal.

I had a very local artist borrow Ellie's watercolors and create me a rendition of the other reaccuring dream that I've been having.
(Stop That! Stop that right now!, my dream IS not to be an artist, so stop all your smirking and snicking, but My House... (yes..that's what it is)
Look at My House, ....See the addition, See the Chimney (yeah, I know it was previously a pine tree)
Think Family Room! Think Storage Room! Think Another Bedroom!
See the Detached Garage. See the Green Grass and the Lovely Fence.
Ahhh, oh yes and the Shudders, I dream of Shudders.)
What do You dream of?
I think the house is definitely a dream that can come true! Check the DI regularly for an exercise bike.....or maybe the classifieds. Your pie looks more delicious than words can describe--just a minute, I need to wipe the drool off my chin--are you sure that isn't a picture out of a cook book? I'll be picking up some blueberries before you arrive for your next visit, you're obligated now!
Check craigslist--I found one in Park City at a garage sell for like $10. Boise craigs list is pretty good.
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