I wanted to do something special for Barry's birthday this year because he was turning 35, and if I was turning 35 I'd be depressed ;), so we had Barry's brother's family come up to help us celebrate. They haven't been up to visit us before, so it was a special treat. I was a little concerned because our house is so small for an extra 5 kids, but it worked out. Barry gave pony rides to those who were willing. We had a delicious lunch provided by me, and some yummy salsa my sister-in-law made. I think everyone had a pretty good time, and my nephew even liked my crab salad, that I was sure none of the kids would eat.
So kudos to me, I did something right for a change, and kudos for Barry for another great year of life completed.
(Sorry no good pictures of the birthday boy.) but here's HIS boy.

Within 5 mins of arriving Ellie had her cousin up in her room trying on princess dresses.

Can you identify the scene?

I wanted this picture because it has the boys in it, too bad you can't really see it. Sorry all the other pictures were blurry.

1 comment:
I agree, James does look like Jacob and I'm wondering if "the scene" is the nativity scene with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the animals, and of course the giraffe angel.
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